Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Train wreck down below!

I'm 8 days pp and had stitches for a 2nd degree perineal tear and have a graze up near the clitoris. When do you start to feel a bit more 'normal' down below?! I've got an insane amount of pressure down there, worse than it was in the final weeks of pregnancy. The stitches themselves are okay- the midwife checked th...


The judgement panel

A few years back, I sent my MIL a sweet photo of my dog and newborn chilling on the couch with me. Two days later, she responded with, “I’m having lunch with a group of mothers who all agree that dog will kill the baby.” It was perfect timing, as I was already in the middle of my nightly ritual of lying awake with p...


Sex postpartum?

When did you start consistently having sex or other intimate time postpartum? And I mean -realistically-, not this “we couldn’t even wait the six weeks 🙈” crowd


MIL is much less interested in my baby

Help ... I'm getting really triggered by my MIL because she is WAY MORE catered to my SIL's baby, SIL's baby is the first grandchild, her kid gets all the attention and it seems like everyone cares much less about my baby & what my baby is doing ... It doesn't help that SIL's kid has no security attachment & is a s...


Daddy preference

Does anybodies baby have a preference for dad? This started about a month ago. Even today her aunt who she had only met twice before just came over and my daughter reached for her to hold her instead of me. I do almost all of the caregiving and the unpleasant stuff (wiping nose, washing hands, changing diaper, dro...


Perineum massage 😫

This is both my MIL & partner this time but my partner is starting to learn how to do a perineum massage as I was struggling to do it myself, but tonight when I asked he said ‘oh I spoke to my mum and we don’t need to do that’ Stating that his mum hadn’t hear of it and therefore we don’t need to do it. When I aske...


Anyone else?

Anyone else just at breaking point because they’re constantly being hurt (unintentionally- mostly) by their toddler?! Every time they come to me I get a bruise or thrown something at my head or digging into my skin etc etc I’ve just spent all evening crying :/


Anyone else LO cries every time there tired and they won’t give in.

Hate the battle every time


Anyone relate ?

Anyone else feeling so miserable, frustrated and angry these days 😅? I've been complaining a lot because I'm so uncomfortable and my husband just told me to "be more positive" and i wanted to fight him.


Major Panic Attacks & PTSD

im a young mum, struggled with mental health & PTSD for years but im struggling right now, im SCARED of everything, every small thing i notice i have a severe panic attack, with everything going around of course my 3y old and i have fallen ill to, but since all that, ive had panic attacks & done the stupid thing of ...


Struggling as a new mom

I have a healthy and wild 6 month old boy who is full of life and alot of emotions. I have emotionally been struggling as a new mom and have had a hard time finding people to talk to about it and finding support. My only true support is my husband. Part of my problem is I put on a facade that everything is fine and ...



Do any mums struggle with feeling overstimulated when baby is crying and won't stop wriggling around when you're trying to settle them? I don't know how to calm myself when I'm battling with irritability when feeling overstimulated by baby 😪


My daughter out of control

This is it, she shout or scream for anything, I am very soft with her....I am suffering a lot, I am mentally drained, all my body so tense from daily stress Please what can I do to change this situation?


Sister lied about being ill

Hey, So long story short - me and my partner came to my parents house for Christmas and my sister came with my nephew. Before they came I said please tell me if either of you are ill because my little one is only 8 weeks old. She has a cough on the call but insisted it was a cough from giving up smoking/vaping. I ...



Is it normal to get frequent braxton hicks? I’m 39 weeks on Saturday but the past few days the braxton hicks are more frequent. They are not painful just uncomfortable more than anything (and annoying!). X


Baby's first Christmas

Hello! Not really looking for advice or anything, just wanted to vent 🥲 Yesterday was my baby girl's first Christmas, she's only 3 weeks old, but yet the entire day was spent with me just watching my family members hold/cuddle her trying to keep a cool face whilst on the inside I was an anxious mess and just…


Enjoy sec with my ex more than my husbands

On reflection I noticed I enjoy sex a lot with my ex more than my husband. I’m never sexually attracted to my husband and I just don’t know why. Sex with him feels like a chore. Does this mean I’m not in love with my husband?


Sooo much pain

I’m 39 weeks today and literally don’t know what to do with myself. I’m in so much pain, can’t walk or basically do anything, being sick after I eat anything, sleeping awfully, just want baby out now. Just feeling fed up and want to cry haha. Sorry for the rant but I’m sure some of you are in the same boat. Merry Ch...


Mother in Law

We have always got on fine, we’re very different but she’s always very caring. She came to visit 2 days post c-section. She barely said hello to me. All she did was hold our baby in an arm chair and cry over him. Didn’t do one helpful thing for us. Didn’t stop crying. I tolerated this for 45 minutes(!) then made a...



Hi, I’m first time mom, my baby is 3 month old, and first couple months I thought I was fine, I think I had a baby blues first couple weeks but then I was okay. And now I feel so bad, crying, isolated myself from people, don’t want to go out, scared of everything. I don’t know it might be just sleeping deprivation.....


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