Incognito in Potty training
Toilet training at Day Care
If your child is toilet training at daycare, what are you doing about their shoes? My daughter is coming home with soaked shoes and the urine smell doesn’t go away.
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Incognito in Potty training
If your child is toilet training at daycare, what are you doing about their shoes? My daughter is coming home with soaked shoes and the urine smell doesn’t go away.
Incognito in Fostering & adoption
Just wondering how some parents get the support they need when family is limited? I don't have a good relationship with my mum, my father passed away 7 years ago. I have siblings but they have their own young kids. My FIL is almost 77 and my MIL works full time, lives around the corner and offers some support like ...
A in Common illness
My 2 years old has started to throw up from yesterday morning and still going on. It’s 1 am here, she just puked in bed while sleeping and crashed to sleep again. She is exhausted. Spent the whole day in ER they gave anti nausea tablet to stop vomit , it works for 8 hours usually. How long does it take to get bett...
D in Making friends
Any mums and toddlers near Penrith, NSW? Boy wanting more friends, solo mum needs adult conversation
K in Family
I have 3 kids aged 13, 8 and almost 2. I am struggling a lot at the moment keeping on top of housework, cooking, laundry, etc. I haven’t showered in 5 days, I basically fall into bed at night, my mental health is not good. See my 13 and 8 year old boys argue constantly! It’s endless. From the minute they wake up unt...