Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.


Why do I start project that I like never finish 😂 or at least take me a lot longer than needed.


Need mum friend

Sick and tired of feeling alone all the time been suffering a lot lately with loneliness feeling for to pop up and chat


Fitting in

Does anyone else feel like they just don't fit in? I'm nearly 30, my mum abandoned me when I was a teen. I never fit in at school I've never fit in at any baby/ toddler classes I don't fit in with the school mums My husbands family don't consider me as family I haven't got any close friends I constantly question mys...


Can't be the only one

I'm 14 weeks and my husband has decided he wants a divorce. I can't be the only one who has faced this during a pregnancy. Any others out there?


Coping with a partner who works shifts

Does anyone else's partner work shifts? I absolutely dread when he's on late shifts and having to deal with evenings alone, attempting to make dinner, and trying to put our baby to bed alone is hard! I also find them really lonely and just don't know what to do and find myself just watching the clock until it's time...


Solo parenting

Does anyone feel like they are always solo parenting even when they r on a relationship with the father of their kid? I feel like I’m constantly doing everything and yet not being valued. I’m exhausted 😩


Why do men find it so easy to step outside and do normal day to day life activities just days after birth?

It’s so different for us woman sometimes. I literally feel like I’ve been run over by a bus, whilst my other half has been to meet at least one friend. Been to a football match and just is living his best dad life. Apart from the obvious one that they haven’t given birth, I just don’t get how they can step out of t...


New mom friends got kids or just had baby ☺️? Don’t respond if you not wit it

Hey mommy’s I just had a baby a month ago I be bored I’m young still so I still be liking company and to have fun you know it’s moms out there struggling and be bored to and if you want a new friend you can always depend to be there i definitely will get out the house or either you can come to me only thing is I’m a...


I’m feeling distant from him

I need help I love my partner to bits but I can’t stand him at the moment I just feel so distant from him at the moment and struggling because I don’t know what to do I just seeing if anyone has gone through this.


When does it get easier?….

I have an almost 3 yo and a 1 mo baby and I feel like I’m drowning. I don’t have family nearby and my friends are all at least 30 min away and they’re busy moms too. If you have more than 1 kid, when did things start feeling manageable? It’s so hard keeping the toddler entertained/fed/happy, the baby won’t nap unl...



First time away from baby and husband 6 months postpartum and it’s so hard massive mum guilt, can’t sleep it’s 2am and I’m missing my baby so badly! On a hen do and I’m tempted to get a train back home at 7am because I can’t handle it! I knew this was gonna be hard but this has been harder than anticipated wish I ne...


How do y’all adjust your attitudes?

Because that’s what I’m trying to do right now. I’m pretty of upset. But I would rather shake it off and gather the energy to run errands with good energy and just not dwell.


Anyone wish for just an hour to go out by themselves

I really just want like an hour and half to myself to feel like me again but my daughter is only 3 weeks old I keep feeling guilty that I want to be alone but can’t help it


Socialising with younger, childless people

I’ve returned to work this week and being around younger people in my team who don’t have children has really made me feel like such a boring old hag. Is anyone else feeling the same?? Makes me want to scurry back to my little oasis with my boy so I can ignore the fact that there’s people out there living my previo...


Anyone else struggling to go out

The thought of having to feed outside scares me and it’s such a long process to go out idk if I can even enjoy it I’ve tried a few times but am really struggling to feel motivated to go out anyone else feeling like this or have any tips to get over it?


I’m supposed to be so happy

I have lost so many people close to me during my pregnancy simply because I am pregnant, and I have never felt so alone… I wouldn’t wish this feeling on any mama, my heart aches



Finding it really hard to make mum friends, especially who are my age (22) my daughter turns one next week and I feel like I’ve tried every baby group that’s in reasonable walking distance from my house but just not having much luck. I had friends but am the first one to have had a baby and just constantly feel alo...


I just need someone to talk to

I feel so alone. My marriage was supposed to work and now I know it's not. We have hurt each other so much and even though I been trying to hold on. Every chance he get upset with me, he goes straight to divorce. I'm tired.


Break up

Hi girlies!! My partner broke up with me on Sunday and I just wondered how people are able to cope/deal with and move on with your life


Signed off

Has anyone ever been signed off work due to mental health? I’m really stressed at the moment which in turn Is making me very low and work is the main cause so my doctor has suggested taking a few weeks off. I’m so scared to hand my sick note into my manager and to go back already and it’s making me think is being si...


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