Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.


So I had very light browny/pink spotting on Wednesday. Only lasted for the day, quite abit of discharge with it. I tested today and it was a clear negative. I have been getting back ache and cramps and my boobs seem to have got bigger. I don’t know if I’m reading into it but I’m not sure what’s going on? How long di...


how fast after implantation will at home test detect hcg?

Im currently 6dp5dt (frozen). This is my 3rd transfer this year. 4dp5dt- I had a bit of pale spotting, very short lived. Also cramped for 2 days total and have had lower back pain since 2dp. I didn’t spot or have any symptoms for my last 2 failed transfers and. It’s now night of day 6 and my test is showing negat...


Why am i getting faint lines?

The top test i took at 5 weeks. I am 6 weeks and 5 days and getting faint lines. Is this normal?? They were so dark last week and this is my first test since then. Praying my baby is okay.❤️


Is this positive or evap line

Took a test today and thought I saw a faint line looked back after the time frame and was darker


Faint line

So I took a pregnancy test last night and a bunch more this morning and the lines are faint but there and I know a positive is a positive no matter what the line looks like but according to my apps I would be 7 weeks already and I just feel nervous like if I’m already that far along then why is the line so faint??



this morning’s test. Recently had nexplanon removed, Flo app predicts I’m 2 days late for my “period” but haven’t had a bleed since implant removal. Can anyone see anything?🙂


Hasn't rolled over either way yet

Hey guys, i am getting worried or family is making me worried that my LG has not rolled over yet on either side :/ we are over 5.5 nonths now. Whay can I do to help


am i tripping or is this positive?

i took three total this is the most recent. my husband says he doesn’t see it yet my friends say they do. please help.


Pregnancy test

When did everyone get there first positive from their pregnancy tests? I’m 3dpo and I know I won’t test positive yet, I know you should wait 2 weeks but let’s be honest… who is that patient?!🤣


Please help a girl out

I’ve been testing positive since Tuesday (28th) on strips tests, I have took digitals for these past 4 days and all say not pregnant. The sensitivity of the test is 0.25 surely by now with HCG doubling every 48 hours I should at least see a positive on the digital. I’m having brown discharge too so I’m thinking it’...



I took a clear blue early test just now ( blue dye the ones with either 2 lines or just 1) and I can swear I see the faintest of lines I can't tell if it has colour or even if its there I partner can't see anything and camera won't pick it up


Cd11 here

I think I'm out even though I'm not out until af shows up. Praying I get my bfp soon ✨✨ I'm sure these are negative. Tomorrow should I buy some First Response tests? #11DPO


Evape line?

The faintest positive was taken last night the clearer line test was taken this afternoon. The boots was also taken this afternoon, all are early test. I'm due my period in 4 days but I've been having pregnancy symptoms so took these. Am I best waiting a few more days to see if I get my period? I was going to take...


Can you see anything..

I did a test yesterday I could see a line others couldn’t but thought ohh Ill do a test today and look… Please be kind and honest.. if it’s turning into a positive it would be my first ever time 🤭🥹🥰


Evap line?

Hi all hope you’re all well! My partner and I are being very careful but after the last time we did our business to put it nicely 😂 I have felt emotional (crying) more tired than usual and discharge has been visible after a wee or wiping sorry if TMI ! Anyway I did this test this morning and I’ve come back to it…


Is this an early positive?



Line eyes.

Positive or negative? 9DPO



I reeaaaallly want to take a test but I also don't 😂 I am due on my period today (ovulated 14 days ago) and I just keep thinking about taking a test but if it is negative I will be upset and then hanging around for AF. I would just rather find out I am not pregnant with AF showing up than staring at a clearly…


Disheartened 💔

Anyone else get really upset? I did these pregnancy dip tests Sunday, and they came back as what I thought positive, and today I’ve come on my period, well when I wipe there there’s light blood, but I have stomach cramps too so definitely my period 😞 I also did a clear blue test and when I took it apart that also…


Positive or control line

This line showed up within 4 minutes but it’s at the start of the test so I’m thinking it’s a control line rather than positive.


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