Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.


Am I being crazy or is that a faint line?


First ever positive pregnancy test!

Hi I got my first ever pregnancy test! If dates are correct I’d be 4 weeks 1 day, very early I know, I’m eating healthy, vitamins each day, lots of water keeping active at work! Any other tips? No symptoms yet.. just period didn’t arrive I and didn’t get my normal pms symptoms so that’s why I did a test or few ...



Took this yesterday morning not sure if it’s positive or evap line😭 What would you say??


Can you help?

I have been having reallly bad back pain & achy legs, period cramps also heavier boobs but I’m 7 days away from my period being due. I did test today but it’s came back negative, is this far too early to test ??


Bleeding but positive test

I'm currently 10 days post transfer, my OTD isn't until Thursday but I've been bleeding since Friday so thought I'd test to see if I can work out what is going on. My test came back positive but my bleeding has slowly got heavier since Friday. Anyone have a fairly heavy loss but things worked out? It's bright red ...


B Strep

Has anyone tested positive for B strep recently? Feeling a bit anxious about it all as I’m high risk for pre- term labour.



Has anyone ever thought they seen a very faint line within the time frame, but barely could catch it on a picture? I came back to throw away my test and this was on it. I will obviously test again, as I'm still not so convinced. But I just wanted insight on if anyone ever came back to a faint line and it was indeed ...


FRER second line too light for day before period is due?

My period’s due tomorrow and I took a FRER this morning and got this result. The line darkened up a bit within the 10min window (second photo of darker line posted in the comments) but I’m wondering if this could be a chemical pregnancy given how light the line is for the day before my period is due given these test...



Has anyone ever thought they seen a very faint line within the time frame, but Barely could catch it on a picture? I came back to throw away my test and this was on it. I will obviously test again, as I'm still not so convinced. But I just wanted insight on if anyone ever came back to a faint line and it was indeed ...


Accept a negative?

I’m currently 2 days late on my period and had what I thought was implantation symptoms last week but been negative since including today. Do I just accept a negative this cycle or could there still be a chance?


Pls help

My period is 5 days late… I had several clear blue tests come up positive but AFTER the time frame to read - like 20-60mins. Lots of people said likely they are Evans (see in comments). Tonight I did a pink dye test, instantly I could see a line but it wasn’t really obvious. Since then the line seems to have disa...



I was supposed to start my period today and keep cramping but no blood I took a pregnancy test yesterday it said negative so why haven’t I started my period yet could I be pregnant?


Showed up instantly

But after 5-10 mins I couldn’t see it easily. Is this probably an evap line?


Help a girl out 😂

Vap line or positive


Help a girl out😂

Vap like or positive??


Positive or vap line ?



Example progression tests

I’m a huge ball of anxiety right now! Just wondering if anyone has a picture of their pregnancy tests progression from early on or pictures of their super early tests they weren’t so sure were line eyes or not! I’ve had a possible positive today after my MC 4 weeks ago (no period between) and my brain is in two mind...


15dpo but negative

I’m usually extremely regular but this is the longest wait I’ve had for a period ever. I had all the symptoms over a week ago that my period was coming but now they’ve stopped altogether and i’m testing negative 😩. Has anybody had this before and tested positive eventually? So confused. Just want an answer so I can…



Just had a chemical pregnancy a month ago, tested negative for ages! Started trying straight away and tested today and have this line! I’m taking it as a positive! However trying not to get excited what does everyone else think


Positive or evap?

I know these blue dye tests are notorious for evaporation lines but wondering what your thoughts are? I’m 10dpo and this photo was taken within the timeframe. I can see a shadow of a line at some angles and not at others….


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