Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Faint positive

11 days post trigger. The last few days I've had very mild cramps in my middle lower abdomen off and on. Yesterday I noticed some creamy white discharge. I've been testing my trigger out and thought yesterday's was definitely negative and then this mornings had a faint line. I compared today's test to yesterday's te...


First time using pre mom test assume this is negative?

Iv not used these strips before I’m assuming this is negative? Can someone confirm please


Assuming this test is negative but can you advise?

Hey girls iv never used the pre mom strips before but assuming this means negative ? Is that right ?


Gave birth march 2024, is this a positive test already??

Can anyone see a line?


Positive and inconclusive

Had anyone ever had a positive at home pregnant test then a inconclusive from doctor urine test? If so what was your end result?


Line eye or a vvf positive

Please tell me use can see it too and I’m not going mad🤣 I was due my period 4 days ago but I ovulated a little later this month so I was due it today but I’ve not had cramping or any signs of it coming!


Dark tests

This is my third pregnancy, my tests are literally so dark! Is this normal? First one I took yesterday and bottom one I literally did 5 minutes ago! My last two pregnancies were never this dark 🤦‍♀️


First Response Test - reflective line

Has anyone ever experienced this? There is no pink line but there is like a reflective line.


4-5 days late on period

I’m around 4-5 days late but have been like clockwork for the past year or so. I last tested on Sunday (2 days late) and was negative. Do we think I’m out this month?


Sneak peek was inconclusive :(

I did a sneak peek test Wednesday last week, sent it off, just got the results this morning and they were ‘inconclusive’ I’m actually gutted! It wasn’t too early as I was almost 8 weeks when I took the test (confirmed by scan at 8w1d). They said they’re sending me a new test but I don’t really want to go through a...


Is this positive?

I believe I can see a faint line. But I've been looking at it too much, so not sure.


Two faint lines different tests?

Both took at the same time, do I see faint lines in both or is it just me? I’m only 10dpo but my period is due in 2 days (I have relatively short cycles) I’m terrified either way as I had a miscarriage 18 months ago and haven’t been able to get pregnant since. I’ve been told recently (literally 2 weeks ago) my cha...


Does this look positive?

I’m 11 DPO today, got a wild hair to take a pregnancy test middle of the day and I see a faint line



Only ever had chemicals 3 so far, I’m 15 DPO had all blood work hcg is rising every 48hours so everything’s looking good just I thought my line would be darker?


Would you say this is an evap line?

Positive or evap?


Any slight chance of being pregnant

I usually have a regular 32/33 day cycle. My period is currently 2 days late but I tested negative this afternoon with a clear blue digital test. With my daughter, who is now 19 months, it took a while to get a positive pregnancy test, but the negative today has made me lose hope and think I’m probably just having a...


Are these test positive?

So today, I am either 9 or 11 dpo and I took two test today and both of them look like they gave a vvvvvfl Can anybody tell me if they see it too? Both lines showed up within the timeframe, but they’re so faint that I almost don’t know if I believe it myself.


Dodgy test?

Just hoping for a little reassurance, I did a digital clear blue test on Sunday morning, the result was pregnant 1-2 weeks (yay!) This morning I looked at the test and the display had disappeared, is this simply a battery issue? I have looked on the clear blue website which says a positive test will display for up...



Has anyone ever had faint positives on clear blue 6 days early tests but negatives on regular tests? (Only due on period on the 6th but 2 clear blue are faint positives any others I’ve done are all negative) dont know what to believe



Am I being crazy or is that a faint line?


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