Bleeding but positive test

I'm currently 10 days post transfer, my OTD isn't until Thursday but I've been bleeding since Friday so thought I'd test to see if I can work out what is going on. My test came back positive but my bleeding has slowly got heavier since Friday. Anyone have a fairly heavy loss but things worked out? It's bright red blood but seems more watery than period blood would be. Just looking for some hope really!
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I’d ring your clinic on this one. They be able to give you great advice on the bleeding and also if you had a trigger if the HCG is still in your system. Let us know how you get on, thinking of you 🤍

@Yog I've spoken to my clinic everyday since it's started and just keep getting the usual keep going with the pessaries until test day! It's so frustrating as they say if it gets heavier get back in touch but then they just say the same thing! It was a natural FET so definitely not a trigger

No trigger to release eggs makes me hopeful with your test then!. It’s rather frustrating for you to not have an answer but I guess that’s why I didn’t volunteer one either - you see so many posts regarding blood loss and it’s worked one way or the other, and you just can’t call it until time has passed. That makes it so tough for you. Chat away all you need to mate, we can help you pass some time until things change xx

@Yog you're totally right! I'm just such an impatient person and the whole IVF process obviously tests that a lot! The clinic did also say they've had some people bleed and still be positive and others the other way so we just won't know until Thursday! I just hate waiting!

Keep us updated and good luck!

I started bleeding on 10dpt too, it's been quite heavy and some little clots. I've continued with pessaries and tomorrow is test day. I'm already 99% sure it'll be negative and it's gutting. I know exactly how you feel and am impatient too. The last 2 weeks have felt so long and I feel a little bit defeated and the thought of going through it all again. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! X

@Lauren so sorry to read this Lauren. Do let us know how it goes and know there’s an ear in here for you to talk however much you need.

Thursday seems like forever but it will be here soon. It’s such a demanding process in more ways than we can imagine before we embark on the journey, however resilient we are x

@Yog I totally didn't expect to find this 2 weeks as hard as I have! There's been a lot of stressed tears

Oh hun, how awful for you. I never knew how in depth the emotionally challenges were for everyone. You invest so much because you are so passionate about your journey. I’m currently 3dpo and the hours are dragging already (post stims & ovulation trigger as I can’t have ivf). Xx

Hey - I had this despite being on a fair bit of progesterone following a fresh transfer in IVF and apparently it happens to a lot of people! The key between it being normal and starting to be a period seems to be whether you start to clot. If you get this - it is likely a period. Wishing you all the very best - it is awful and I know how you feel (I dreaded going to the toilet to see what was new). Unfortunately mine did start to clot and so it didn’t work out for me but wishing u all the best and hang in there 👍 x

@Sarah yeah I've also had some clots since posting this though they've stopped now. My gut says things haven't worked out this time but I'll just have to see what happens on test day

Took another test this morning and the line was super faint so it's clearly not happened for me this time

I did 2 tests this morning, both negative 😔 I knew it, still feels sad. Hope you're OK x

Genuinely so sad to hear this this morning ladies. I can feel how passionate you are and I very much admire your strength. Take some time to look after yourself and I hope you update us so we can move forward with you 🤍

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@Yog thank you!! I'm going to take some time to get back on the supplements and getting my diet in top shape to go through our next cycle after the summer. We only have funding for 1 more round so putting everything I can into it especially as we have to go through pgt for a genetic condition so our embryo numbers always go down

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