Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Left sitting out and now I see a line?

What do you all think? Evap line or potential positive?


Period late

Had babygirl in november, postpartum bleeding ended in december, had my first period March, in april my period is late for 1 week now but pregnancy test coming back negative. Did anyone experience period late after pregnancy?????


What is going on?

Due for AF tomorrow. These tests have all been taken over the last 3 days. Some morning first wee, second wee and some random ones in the evening too. I’ve lined them up in the order I have taken them (top oldest and bottom newest). I don’t know what to think. Are they indents? Are they positive? I took a digita...


Positive or line eyes??

Am I going crazy or do you see a vvvvfl? I took another after the first to be sure it wasn’t a faulty test. I’m only 8dpo



Has anyone tested positive at 9dpo. I am too impatient and know I’ll end up testing tomorrow morning. I have an early detection test if that makes any difference.


Faint line?

Period due Monday I think I see something not fmu but will test again tomorrow


Faulty test?

I’m 3 days late for period but took a morning after pill last weekend. Took a test for reassurance and I think the test is faulty. No indication line has appeared does this mean the test is faulty?


So confused!

I’m officially a day late. I had what could possibly be implantation bleeding or a very very light and short period 6 days ago. I took a test yesterday afternoon and this morning but I don’t see anything. The last one is from this morning.


Late period

Has anyone ever had a late period with negative tests and they were pregnant? (Haven’t got any health problems)


RhD negative blood type incompatibility

Anyone have negative blood and pregnant with a positive baby? I’m so scared about what’s to come and just wanted others experiences if they have been through this. My first born was negative so I didn’t have any of this with her.


Positive test after missed period

How long after missed period did you get a positive? It’s been 3 days since I was due AF (normally on time every cycle) I had a negative yestrrday. Not sure whether to wait a week or keep buying more tests?


Positive test?

Husband doesn’t see the line. I see it clearly. Do you?


Am I pregnant or am I going crazy

The bottom I took at like 3 pm today took another 2 hours later it’s negative I’ve taken so many test lately idk what’s going on I took some throughs the week I’ve gotten 3 positive and a lot of negative (I’m on birth control nexploton ) I haven’t gotten a period for a year and a half snd randomly got one and I’ve b...


Is this a faint line

$ store pregnancy test wondering what anyone else sees 🥹💜


Skipped period?

My periods have been very regular since having my little one, to the point where I can track them. However, this month I’ve skipped my period. Has anyone else experienced this? Do I need to do a pregnancy test 🥴


Skipped period?

Has anyone else had regular periods since having their child and then randomly skipped one? Since having my little one my periods have come back and have been very regular to the point I can track them. However, this month I’ve completely skipped a period! I am a little panicked, I haven’t taken a pregnancy test...


Chemical or implantation bleeding

Hi, I had a faint positive on Sunday and I’ve been testing almost everyday and they are getting darker - see attached image. However, I spotted twice today when I wiped (very light pink!) but nothing since this afternoon but I’m starting to panic! I’ve had no pain/cramping. The last test was from this morning (15...


Could this be a false positive?

Two faint positives on the strips (darker after 5 mins snapped the picture early) but a not pregnant digital could it be a false positive or to early to tell?


4 faint positives yesterday and then this is this morning

Pic is 1st pee this morning is that still faint positive ? Not sure



Tomorrow is 14DPO, day before my period is due. If I get a negative am I out for this month?😔😔


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