Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.


Tomorrow is 14DPO, day before my period is due. If I get a negative am I out for this month?😔😔


Late period

I’m 2 days late, negative test. Could I still be pregnant? Having loads of watery/milky thin discharge and a few cramps but very light. Has anyone had this and was actually pregnant? Been ttc so 🤞🏼


Pregnancy test

Someone tell me this isn’t a positive ? It’s soo faint shall I go and get a clear blue ?



Okay so I tested even before I missed my period and the test was a dark positive on the line test and a very quick “pregnant” on the digital test. Is it true that it could mean much higher HCG levels & a possibility of twins??


hoping ill get a positive in May!!

Today was my first day of high chance of conception, so we had unprotected sex and hoping ill get a positive test in may, we tried in march and april but in April i only got negatives. Cross your fingers for me guys!!! 🤍


Positive LH?

Is this positive. I don’t know why it’s so thin. They all seem to be with this brand 🤷🏼‍♀️


7w6d... really faint positive?

Should I be worried? Two days ago I had a super dark positive, and today it's so faint. I don't have a sonogram scheduled until Saturday morning, but now I'm really worried. I was having light cramps, and my breasts just started hurting a couple days ago. I just don't understand why this test is so faint compared to...


Pregnancy test positive

I just took pregnancy test as my period didnt come and I found its positive! so now I have a 5 months old baby and having like mixed emotions dont know what to do what to start doing how to tell my husband many things going on in my head! anyone here experienced this??? any advice my anxiety is increasing!



6dpo and getting positive tests, is this too soon to be getting positives? I had a miscarriage last month could this be a reason for an early positive?


What does this mean about my urine test should I be worried

24 weeks pregnant


Am three days late and I took this test is it showing a faint line

Or my eyes deceiving me lol


Pregnancy test ???

On 27th April I will be 3weeks since my bleed frm miscarriage, I was about 7/8weeks along , I took top test de 23rd taught hcg was coming down nd today 25th dis test is darker ? Anyone know why , if I get positive on 27th I have to ring maternity, cud I be pregnant?


Negative test but feel pregnant

So I’ve been having pregnancy symptoms for about 8 days now and I was so sure that I was pregnant but I’ve taken 3 tests and all negative. My period is due today but hasn’t arrived and it usually comes either early or bang on time. Tempted to test again in a few days as I’ve just got a feeling and my symptoms feel ...



Cycle 6 days late- negative pregnancy tests. LH level read .39 and almost violently in the mood. Read a 🌶️ book the past couple days and convinced I started but it definitely wasn’t that.. (which never actually happens) Not sure what’s going on…


Negative test on day 6 of 5DFET

Online I keep finding people who tested as early as 4 after transfer and got a positive. Had a biochemical recently, so started testing earlier this time. Are there many people who got late positives and pregnancy turned out ok?


Faint positive turned into neg blood test

So I got a faint positive two days ago and now the blood test says I’m not pregnant . What do I do ?


14dpo and negative

I'm 14dpo today, but still 7 days ahead of AF (I ovulated on day 11 this month) I've been feeling very different symptoms from my usual this month especially very sore breasts and nausea, but my test this morning was negative... (Maybe a vvvfl but I might be fooling myself) Has anyone had a negative at DPO14 and st...



I thought I wouldn’t be this nervous second time around. My period is due today it didn’t come and I’ve had no signs. I’ve taken 2 tests. The first one after 3 mins had a slight line took another and it was even fainter. This first photo was taken 10 mins after I took the test the second with the two tests was proba...


TTC trigger shot ??

Hi! So my best friend took the trigger shot on 4/15, have any of you guys taken it? And if so about how long does it take to get out of your system? She tested negative with a pregmate test this morning but FRER, came up positive



I took this test today, forgot about it and came back a few hours later… Evap or positive? I’d be like 8 weeks so I’m thinking Evap - I’ve been trying for 2 years. I am 2 days late for this period. - last “period” was 2 days long - I’ve been in hospital the last 2 weeks really ill with headaches, nobody tested for...


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