Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.


I took this test today, forgot about it and came back a few hours later… Evap or positive? I’d be like 8 weeks so I’m thinking Evap - I’ve been trying for 2 years. I am 2 days late for this period. - last “period” was 2 days long - I’ve been in hospital the last 2 weeks really ill with headaches, nobody tested for...



Are these tests prone to evaps after they dry out? I’m in a bad way and looking for any hope!


No peirod but test negative?

I took a test and it had a fait line then took another and it was negative. I’ve been puking and feeling tired and smells are bothering me. I think I’m pregnant but the last test says no?



How is everyone feeling? Just got my positive test yesterday 😊couldn’t believe it


Early positive

Hi ladies what’s your experience with an early test? I’m due my period tomorrow (thurs) but did a test yesterday and the positive line wasn’t too dark so I did a First Response preg test and it was the same (positive line was a bit lighter than the control line) this is following a miscarriage in December :( so I’m ...


Am I crazy or this probably positive?

I’ve had weird signs of being pregnant again like nausea randomly and cramping. If I am I’d be super early. My periods have been super weird since having my baby 10m ago so I don’t even know when I was ovulating. I’ve taken like 10 of these tests since I got them and none have had any evap lines but maybe this is? I...


HPV testing

Heya! I recently got the Smear test after I gave birth (4 months post partum). It came back as positive and they told me to wait three months to do it again. Today I received a letter saying it cane back positive. They also tested the sample and they found changes to some of the cells in your cervix called “low-grad...


Is this a positive or a negative

I just wanted to know if this is a negative or a positive please I have never used these test before it’s always clearblue ones Please help me


Am I pregnant?

I am 10DPO and I haven’t felt 100%, I took a test yesterday and there was such a faint line and todays line is a little stronger however on the clear blue it shows negative. The easy at home tests are also showing a faint line. I’m not due on my period until Sunday. I don’t know what to think.



I found out I’m pregnant today going off my last period I’m only just over 4 weeks as I’m only a day or two late but my clear blue test says 3+ weeks?? Could this just mean I have high hcg?? Is this anything to be concerned about? All my other strip tests are super dark too


Three days late

This is looking very negative to me, though...


Smear test results

Hi ladies my test results came back positive and high grade dyskaryosis should I be worried I’m so scared I don’t know what to think 😭😭 I’ve got 6 young children can’t leave them without mom 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️



When do you call your OBGYN to set up an appointment if newly pregnant? I got a positive home test result on Friday morning and have had positive tests every day so far, they’re all faint but positive. Thanks!


Is this a positive test or PP hormones?

So im 5 month PP and was feeling nauseous and took a pregnancy test it looked negative to me and as I was throwing the trash out this morning I noticed it changed to this? Is it positive or does it not count cause it’s been like 10 hours?


Smear test results need some advice

Hi ladies my test results came back positive and high grade dyskaryosis should I be worried I’m so scared I don’t know what to think 😭😭


I had a faint line first response pregnancy test and I took multiple tests and they all came back with the same faint line, but when I took the ClearBlue Digital Pregnancy test it said not pregnant?

I just don’t wanna get my hopes up yet😬 Any advice?


Positive or no

I just woke up and I took a test . I couldn’t get a lot of pee on it . Positive ??


Clear blue help!

I’m 15dpo today. Took a cheapie dip test and i thought I saw a vvvf line so I took a digital one. It said not pregnant but I’ve read to always take it part and I saw two lines. What does it mean?


Testing question

If I conceived (🤞🏼) 1 day after ovulation would be positive pregnancy test be later than normal? My last pregnancy I had a positive test on 8 dpo. 10 dpo now with negatives


Ovulation Test

Hi all this might be a very dumb question but I miscarried early this month. I found out that my hcg had gone to zero on the 8th. It must’ve been already going down though as I believe it was a chemical because I had a period basically when it went up and went down. I was hoping it was a hemorrhage but I miscarried...


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