Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Ovulation Test

Hi all this might be a very dumb question but I miscarried early this month. I found out that my hcg had gone to zero on the 8th. It must’ve been already going down though as I believe it was a chemical because I had a period basically when it went up and went down. I was hoping it was a hemorrhage but I miscarried...


Is this a positive test??

I’ve never dealt with pregnancy strips before and I’m really confused.



Just making sure this is negative. I'm not due to start for another 6 days but I thought I was having implantation bleeding, having heartburn, and have been more tired recently. Is it too early or am I just seeing things that aren't there?


Faint positive or negative?

Am I crazy for thinking I see the faintest shadow? This is a fresh test and my period isn’t until Friday


What’s the latest positive test you’ve gotten?

Hey ladies, Just wondering if anyone has experienced a really late positive pregnancy test? Right now I’m 4 days late but still no signs of a BFP. I know people say to wait until AF arrives before counting yourself out for the month.. but have people tested negative even after 20DPO? And then gotten a positive? W...


Please help!? How long did everyone take to show positive on a test

Hi all, here for some advice really. I’m 3 weeks late, and I’m having all the symptoms I did with my first born. I’ve tested a week or so ago and it was negative, but I’m almost convinced I’m pregnant again! I’m just wondering how long everyone took to test positive, as the doctors have said keep testing weekly unti...



I had my Bfp this morning so I made a call and got lab done. 7.5 hcg level. So low and I feel so devastated. Is it just because I just found out? This cycle was very long for me, 35+ days. Anyone got low hcg?


Shadow on frer

Has anyone ever gotten a shadow on a frer (off brand) but still been pregnant? I'm 12 dpo and had a shadow on my test this morning. It came up within the time frame but I feel like if I'm 12 dpo I should be seeing a nice faint line by now.


How many days after missed period did you test positive?

How many days after missed period did you test positive?


Reassurance needed : What would you do?

All my tests have been positive and I've just done a digital after work and not pregnant 🤔 I've been drinking lots today and peeing loads. What would you do now? Need some reassurance xx


Evap or positive

I'm only 8dpo took a test yesterday with a really faint line took another today and the line is still there. Can't tell if it's positive or an evap



So I tested positive about 2 weeks ago then I was bleeding a little I was about 6/7 weeks so I retested last week as I just had a bad feeling and it was negative I was devastated so I rang the midwife she said it’s a possible chemical pregnancy and she’s sorry but this week it’s positive again has anyone else had th...


Negative test due my period tomorrow

I’m out this month 🫤🫤


Pre mom strips

Pre mom records this as 0.36? How accurate are the pre mom strips


pregnancy test

i need advice !!! soooo i have been very nauseous the past couple days and just not feeling well. i decided to take a pregnancy test lastnight and it came out negative so i thought until i looked a little closer and saw a veryyyyy veryyy faint line. Idk if i’m delusional or if it’s there lol. so i took another one a...



This is my test this morning, but my digital says not pregnant 🙃


Is this a evaporation line ?

This would be my third pregnancy Iv never had a test have a line that thin before



In hoping for some advise please. I tested positive on Saturday with a HCG test but today with a clear blue test it’s negative. My period was due on Saturday and I just had a feeling it wasn’t going to come. I miscarried in Feb and my period in March arrived 4 week after. Does anyone know if my MC could affect t...


Am I delulu, or is there a second line?

Can anyone else see a positive test here or am I just going a bit crazy? My husband said no at first but when I pointed it out he got excited and said he definitely could. Why so faint though? Period is a week late now. I’ve done two of these boots tests and a digital which said not pregnant. Already have a beau...


Has anyone else has the same issue?

I was testing with some cheaper tests 6 days early from home bargains which came back with a positive line then did a clear blue digital test which was able to be used before period and said not pregnant. I went to get some more clear blue digital and waited for my period date to come and the came back pregnant on d...


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