Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

No period

I stopped taking the pill in December as me and my partner are trying for our second baby (both 33yo). However I’ve not had a period. I had a period last month but haven’t had sex after that and pregnany test is negative - which is what I thought it would be as I had a period last month.. I’m well over a week late ...


This is definitely negative isn’t it?

I’m 13DPO and my period was due yesterday😢


No more testing

So far I have been testing everyday since I found out and I think it’s just making me worry and compare my self to others, when I know everyone’s symptoms and experiences are different. I’m vowing to myself that this is the last test I’m doing until I have a scan then I’ll have a more accurate reading of how far a...


Need advice

I had intercourse March 9th. I’ve not had my period which isn’t like me. My tests are negative. But I am 27 days late. Could I get some advice? Has this happened to anyone?


Sure I am out

First time I have had any symptoms outside of sore boobs before a period. Pings and light cramping , fatigue , neither of which I ever get before a period and here I am 12DPO with the biggest negative ever. I really don’t have much hope because I am 40 (41 in oct ) and have a low AMH so not sure what I really expect...


Double transfer!

I had double transfer on Friday I tested today and it is very faint line, is it still from trigger shot which I had 11 days ago ?! Please any success stories! I don’t have any symptoms so far 😕


Hi everyone, I’ve done a pregnancy test today turned out positive (I did three lol) I still don’t quite believe it tbh so don’t feel much right now.

I’ve called the GP, they told me to use the online self referral form. Just did that now. Just came on here to say hi and hope to chat and meet to like minded mama’s to be. First timer here. Online calculator tells me I’m 8 weeks and 2 days.



I got a positive pregnancy test 5 days before my missed period. I’ve had 2 back to back miscarriages (one in Oct and one in Feb). According to my period tracking app I’m 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I don’t know why I had an inkling to take a pregnancy test while I was making dinner. I’m so terrified this will end b...


Is it positive???

I took a test this more and wait 3-5 minutes is it positive or I just waited too long


Trying for baby #2

My period is due today. No sign of it yet but I guess it could always come tonight or early tomorrow morning. I’m always on time and haven’t had any pms. Do I take a test today and waste money if it’s negative or wait it out for another day or two? I think I need to stop getting my hopes up and forget it until s...


Wishful thinking? Faint line?

I felt like I could see a faint line (maybe more a shadow on the test) - I’ve added the negative and fully saturated image in the comments which hopefully shows it better. I know evap lines can be bad too but heard no so much on the pink dye ones but probably reading to much into it 🙈…anyone else see it? Only 8dpo…


Do evap lines have color??

I can't tell if this is an evap/shadow/indent line so I inverted it and I see something. Do evap lines have color???


Clear blue 6 days early test

So I took this test and it came back negative. I then found out it’s only 79% accurate! I’m so exhausted which isn’t normal for me, my period is due tomorrow. Is there still a good chance I can be pregnant?


Yes or no?

Clear blue digital says no pinks lately are saying yes


Sainsburys pregnancy test

Do you think i should trust it, i see a super faint line, my period is due on the 19th.


Positives and negatives?

is anyone else getting positives on certain tests and then negative on others ?


Need some help!

I am 21 DPO and was supposed to get my period April 8th and never got it. Tested April 9th got a very very faint line. I’ve now been testing everyday since and have only the faintest lines on my tests and they have not been getting darker and when I say faint I mean you really gotta stare at them to kind of see them...


Clear & simple tests

Has anyone had any experience with these tests, I took one after the other and they come up with these lines however I took another brand and it was negative TIA


First day missed period pink vs blue

Pretty sure the pink dyes are bringing up second lines but clearblues arent .what do you think?


12dpo- is this line faint?

Ttc my second and I’ve just had a positive test this morning at 12dpo, I’m a bit worried it looks a little faint? I had a miscarriage in January so feeling anxious. With my son and the pregnancy in January I didn’t test till a week after I missed my period so don’t have much to compare too and would love some advic...


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