Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

12 DPO

Hi everyone, I'm 12 DPO and have done first response tests yesterday and today and they're negative. I just wondered if anyone experienced the same to go and and get a positive? I have some symptoms (cramping, nausea) but that could be anything. Just looking for some hope! Thank you xx


Feeling impatient😭

Any one else test at 7DPO/8DPO and have a negative turn positive ? I feel like I have line eyes and am convincing my self there is a shadow , when I put the test over my torch I can really clearly see there’s a line but not sure if that’s where the the test is obviously wet. I wouldn’t normally be so obsessive and...


Digital pregnancy test

Has anyone had a false positive pregnancy test??


Evap or positive?

Due for my period to start yesterday. The line is more pink in person, but the digital test says no. What do y’all think?


My first positive?

TTC for 15mos, but this is the first time I've questioned what I'm seeing. Is there a faint, second line to the left, or am I going crazy? Be honest. This was taken 11DPO



Got my high yesterday but we didn’t BD. Tested today and yesterday was my peak as todays reading was 0.48 but I tested late last night when I got my high reading. Should we BD for definite today? Worried because we didn’t BD yesterday and it was high we’ve missed the boat?



I’m 8 dpo today. I did a first response and I got a second line which I will post. I tried a cheapy and it was neg. I tried a clear blue it was also neg. I then tried a second first response but dont think I can see a second line. I use first response tests all the time and never get a false positive/evap. I’m not s...


Has anyone ever had a positive on 6DPO?

I’m just impatient and I know it’s early to test. I’ve had a bunch of symptoms, and so I decided to test being 6DPO, but it was negative. It’s so frustrating that early pregnancy symptoms can almost be the same as PMS symptoms. ☹️😖


Hi, I think I am pregnant, but all tests showing negative. I probably only about 21 days after last unprotected sex and with my little boy it took about four weeks for a test to show positive. Has anyone else been through the same?

Just really want that positive test now.



How many DPO did you get your positive test and it lead to a healthy pregnancy? With my son it was 10 days. My last chemical was 5 days! I’m 7 days now and testing negative. I know it’s too early but I can’t help it 😕 support needed please!


Positive or indent ?

Hiya , I’m 7DPO so know it’s way too early to test but couldn’t help my self. I’m 99% sure it’s negative but feel like I can see the faintest shadow ? Opinions ? I also had some pink spotting the last 2 days. Not due on until the 21st x


Positive or evap?

I'm 9 dpo Pic taken at just before 5 mins Thank you xx


Line progression

Morning all Does today’s look a bit darker? Feel like they’ve stayed the same for days. Top is 12DPO and bottom is today, 15DPO. I kept myself awake all last night worrying which is obviously doing me no good! Thoughts welcome. Have a lovely day 🥰


HCG Test Strip

I need to stop worrying but my easy @ home strips don’t seem to have gotten much darker the last 2 days but my CB digital are all showing pregnant and the week indicator one is showing prevent 1-2 weeks. Should I be overly worried about the HCG strips? Some people have said they are rubbish sometimes.


Pregnant or not

pregnancy test came back negative and my period is 12-14 days late But I also have been sick for a minute while my period was supposed to come can be sick with pollen or whatever can delay a period or missed period if I don’t be on this month I’m going to test again


Missed period

So I’m almost 3 days late, will be 3 days tomorrow. I’m at a loss because this isn’t a normal. I’ve taken 4 pregnancy tests all being negative. 2 of the tests being the first pee of the morning and then the others in evenings. I’m NEVER late, Im always early or have my period the day the app says. I have an app th...


Low progesterone but faint positive HCG?

Has anyone here had a lower progesterone blood test (day 21 aka 7-8dpo test) and had a successful pregnancy? My 7dpo blood test came back at only 1.8 and the normal range is 1.8-23.9 for the luteal phase. Everything ive read said it should be at the very least a 3. I’ve also been doing the Pdg tests from Proov and t...


Pregnancy test

I'm 2 days overdue and just had a baby a month ago do you guys see a positive


Does the time frame actually matter?

I took the test in the late morning thought negative (I waited like two minutes saw it then put it in the garbage) I went back a couple hours and I see this. Is it faulty or am I pregnant?!


Faint test

I’m 11 weeks today and idk why I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test and the line is super light now 😭 do you think there’s too much hcg and it’s overwhelming the test?


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