Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Pregnancy test

I'm 2 days overdue and just had a baby a month ago do you guys see a positive


Does the time frame actually matter?

I took the test in the late morning thought negative (I waited like two minutes saw it then put it in the garbage) I went back a couple hours and I see this. Is it faulty or am I pregnant?!


Faint test

I’m 11 weeks today and idk why I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test and the line is super light now 😭 do you think there’s too much hcg and it’s overwhelming the test?



I’m just wondering if if anyone has had any experience with either clear and simple or accu news pregnancy tests as I took the clear and simple ones to receive faint positive and then accu news for it to be negative?


Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)

Hello everyone! So I’ve recently been TTC for about over a year now and my doctor had many tests scheduled for me. One of them is an anti-mullerian hormone test, and I was wondering what my results may mean. I am 27 years old and my AMH was measured at 7.08 ng/ml. Does anyone have any background in this? I was readi...


Negative test day 1 missed period

My period is one day late but testing negative yesterday and today but had a faint positive Monday night. Wondering if anyone's had this before and been pregnant?


Chemical pregnancy?

We're newly ttc and I'm feeling all the emotions 😣 I'm about 18DPO, my period is 4 days late. I've had 4 faint positive pregnancy tests (one first response, 3 Asda own brand) since Saturday, there's been no line progression and this morning I did a clear blue digital and it said not pregnant. I'm confused but…



I booked a scan for Friday this week, I done my first positive test last Tuesday? Is there a problem with this they asked me to confirm my first positive test?


Pregnant or not pregnant

Hey I took a test last Night and it said NEGATIVE I went to the bathroom this morning and looked at the test again and I believe this is a POSITIVE what do yall think ?


Last chance

I have officially missed my period. I have no idea what’s going on with my cycles anymore. I’ve been taking tests since last week and all have been negative. I thought I saw a faint line on one but probably not. I don’t see anything and I think it would show if I was pregnant by now.


Pregnancy tests

I’m sorry because im sure this has probably been asked a million times but can anyone recommend accurate early detection tests? I don’t want the stress of any false positives!!


Just the evaporation line?

I’ve been staring at it too long, can anyone give their opinion please? Thank you xxx


Test Query

Is there a reason my easy@home test strips could be showing the faintest line to the point where you have to squint but I just did a CB which is clearly positive straight away and a CB digital weeks indicator which is positive ??



Help! Took this test earlier and I see a faint line, but my boyfriend does not…Also…took another right after this one and it was negative. Question 1, is this a positive test? Question 2, can there be a false positive/negative? I have an 18 month old already btw!



I am driving myself crazy! Already posted this morning about me seeing my first ever faint positive. I'm so worried that it's a fluke and i've got myself excited for nothing but i did also do the ultra early digital CB test, which came up pregnant!!! Happy to post photos again in comments of my easy@home tests but i...


28weeks blood tests

Hi Can someone please tell me if it’s low or high for ferritin and FBC .. when I tap for more details it says needs repeat blood group and antibodies Thank u so much in advance ❤️


Confused - no period not pregnant but late

I was due on my period on Saturday. But havent came on yet, ive done 2 pregnancy test one this morning and one yesterday and its negative. Ive got the most awful cramps and i feel like i need to go for a number 2 all the time. Im so confused. We are currently going through IVF and i was meant to have an appointment ...


How accurate is my conception date?

So I have always had a very normal cycle, tracked my cycle every month to the T on multiple platforms and every time I got a notification my period was coming in 2 days. It came ON THAT DAY. No & if or butts. I was intimate with a partner on Dec 5th. Got my period on Dec 7th and it lasted about 6 days, regular flow....



Just found out I’m pregnant I’m around 4+6 but today I’ve had blood tests back which I had due to trying for baby over a year anyway… all blood tests were fine but said I had high testosterone pointing at PCOS and now I’m being referred for scans. I’m so confused and have no knowledge on this. I’ve got a three year ...


Can I possibly be pregnant!!?

It's been 39 days since my last period. I took a test on 34 day n 36 day n it was negative. I been having irregular periods but never pass 34 day without getting my period. Yes, I been trying n I can get pregnant but last time I got pregnant, I lost my baby at 7 weeks last year. When having irregular periods... Whe...


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