Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
Recently been suspected with underactive thyroid 3 months post partum- quite scared as first time I’ve been diagnosed with soemthing like this. Has anyone else been diagnosed with this, Isit related to post partum? How severe is it?
I have no reproductive issues and nor does my partner. I thought it was because I wasn’t tracking my ovulation right. Did ovulation tests… got my peak (very much later than I thought). Cycle day nine. AF due on the 27th. Every cycle ends in pure heartbreak and I didn’t know I’d ever even cry over a negative test. I ...
Do you need to size up? I’m using TT and size 1 should I size up. My LG is 3 very nearly 4 months old.
I mean did it take you a while to conceive? Did you need ivf? Have you got pcos or endometriosis which made it harder? Etc Also interested if you’ve got more than one did it happen quicker or slower with baby number 2?
My babe is currently on Similac total 360 and we have to switch to Similac advanced because of wic. Has anyone had their baby on the 360 and switched to the other one ? I’m scared my boy is gonna have a bad reaction to it but i also read how similar those 2 formulas are…
Anyone else feel themselves losing their minds thinking about ttc and not being able to think about anything else? Second guessing every little thing my body does. Convincing myself I’m pregnant at only 3dpo even though I know that’s ridiculous. Wish I could switch my brain off for a bit 🙈
My partner went out last night came home 5am putting washing in noticed hair and cum on his pants white snail like marks…… Should I worry I ask him what is it why is there dry cum and all I get is I don’t know
😭😮💨🥺🤞🏽✨ after this crazy cycle I hope I get them 😮💨 the EARLIEST I could start testing is thanksgiving and I would be SO grateful if it was but I know it would be early 😭 anyone else dpo 0-1 who wants to be ttc buddies
Anyone here has an easy baby? I can’t believe how difficult mine is, I got friends that gave birth after me and they all have a very clam and “easy baby”. I’m so fed up, I’ve been so miserable since the day he was born and it does not mean I don’t love him I’m just miserable all the time and have no patience anymore.
I went to go do a pregnancy test- and I saw blood. Great hello periods. Another month out. 4 month post my second missed mc in a row :(
Currently 6 DPO and finding this month particularly tough and getting upset at the thought of probably another AF :-( any other ladies feeling the same? Just comments would help ease the loneliness of this horrid wait!
I’m trying to figure out if I’m alone or not. I’ve had active HPV for years now. I’m not sure how many but maybe 7 years maybe longer. I did some research about long term HPV, and it says it can turn into cancer if your body can’t fight it off and it can turn into cancer at like 7 years. I’m pretty sure this is not ...
We have been trying for baby number 2 since November last year. I’m really struggling mentally and worried I have secondary infertility. I know I am so lucky to have a child and we are incredibly grateful for our little girl that joined us in August 2023 but I so desperately want to give her a sibling. I’m so scared...
Ok don’t come for me as it’s probably a very stupid question but I need to go out to the shops & it will be my first time solo with my son. I need fuel as didn’t realise I’m running on fumes 😅 do you take baby in with you to pay? I don’t like pay at pumps as have had my card cloned and large sums of money taken…
Said I wouldn’t get deflated but actively trying for months and checking can be a lot 🫣🙈… started taking “vitex” and the LH strips are a lot higher… anyone got pregnant yet in their late 30s with tips?… ive heard keep warm, relaxed, coq10, vitex, postioning etc etc
I wish more people would share on how long they have been trying for a baby. My hubby and I have been trying for 9+ years, and still no luck. If you have been trying for as long as we have, please share your story. Please share whether or not you are pregnant, too. I would love to hear some 9+ years of ttc journeys ...
I’m considering trying for a second now and wonder if anyone advises for or against it judging from experience. My current is 14 months
Hi guys, I’m wondering if I’m just a lunatic or if anyone else is already looking forward to trying for/ having another baby haha? For the last few weeks I’ve had increasing thoughts of wanting to get pregnant again, I’m researching baby names and finding myself thinking through the logistics of 2 young babes, imag...
We’ve been trying for nearly around 6 months and still nothing. I haven’t been testing ovulation or anything like that, and we generally have sex whenever, I’m not sure if we’re having too little or too late when we bd ? We haven’t changed anything fully. But we don’t know the average time it takes. We will probabl...
Does TTC ever feel like a race to you.... Like your rational mind knows it's not.. but deep down somewhere, you're trying to race something, or someone, or even yourself. For me, it's wanting to be pregnant before my other friends that are planning on ttc soon. And also myself, like that if I'm trying it must be b...