@Aleni I have tried carriers. She tolerates them, but doesn't like them. Longest nap in one is usually 20min. Stroller and car rides are hit or miss. And I know this group is anti sleep training and that is A-ok with me. I didn't really want to do any sleep training but I'm desperate.
My LO was terrible at the beginning. They’re experiencing everything for the first time, there’s mental leaps, constant changes. Is bubs too warm/cold? If reflux is suspected do you keep baby upright for 30mins after a feed? You could also try probiotics for bubs if colic is suspected too. I know it’s hard mama but you got this. Keep trying swaddles/sleep suits etc.
@Claire no support at home for 2 weeks at a time. My husband works out of state foe 2weeks and then he's home for 2weeks
@Sharnee yes I give her gripe water and probiotics. Yes I do all the things haha probably why im so damn tired. I got a swaddle that's similar to love to dream swaddle. Seems to be alright. I got a sleep sack with arms down and she flips out in it and definitely doesn't get drowsy lol.
@Jade aww that really sucks. It is exhausting. Sending you best wishes mama x
@Sharnee thank you
This might be a silly question, but is she getting overtired? That’s a classic issue when having short naps and It’s hard to break that cycle when they are. Watch their sleep cues really closely and implement a simple sleep time routine, and then swaddle / white noise / dark sleep room, or head out for a carrier walk? Hope it improves soon 💗
@Sarah I obsessively watch for tired cues ALL DAY. I have a loose schedule and routine. I use sleep sacks she hates having her arms down. I got white noise, even tried brown noise. She occasionally sleeps in the carrier but normally she doesn't. I hope it improves too.
Can you give me some more details on the “colickiness” often that’s a sign of something under lying. Any issues with feeding? If you’re nursing any pain initially? Any clicking while bottle or breast feeding? Does baby sleep with their mouth open at all? Gassiness? Is the reflux still happening?
Sounds so tough and exhausting! Babies attach through the senses in the first year. So it’s completely normal for babe to want to be close to you or on you especially for sleep. Cat naps are normal! Do you have a baby carrier? You can try that for naps as well or motion like car or stroller rides. And just a reminder this group is a sleep without sleep training. We don’t do any type of sleep training at all. Alicia has great few resources to check out! https://www.dyshonfamilysleep.com/freebies