Sleep help!
My son slept amazingly from 2 to 4 months. He would stay asleep from 6 pm to 6 am every single night. Well then at 4 months he started waking up here and there and it feels like as he's gotten older it's just gotten worse. Last night he got up 5 times and every night he gets up at least twice and I have to nurse him back to sleep. He will scream and scream and scream forever if I don't nurse him. Like an hour of screaming if I don't give in. It's crazy stressful and I'm so sleep deprived and I just don't know what to do to help. I very rarely fall asleep nursing him but then I sleep horrible so I try not to. I usually just sit down nurse him and put him back in bed and sometimes he's very aware and freaks out again but sometimes he turns over and goes to sleep. Doctor says don't feed him at all at night but it's extremely difficult. I'm sure another issue is that I feed him to sleep and he's refused his paci the past few months. But I just don't get why he's waking up so dang often and how to help him sleep. He has a little nightlight and sound machine he's always had, we used to watch tv in the same room no problem but now have to be totally silent, and he just randomly wakes up all night. We have tried stuffies, hotter or colder temps, more or less clothes, he wont even take a bottle anymore and he used to, only nursing. Part couple days he wakes up within an hour of laying him down. But right back to sleep when nursed. Anyone Have a similar issue and find something that helped?!
recommend checking out calmandbrightsleepsupport on instagram, they are incredible and give free advice