I would recommend sleep well with Hannah Love. She is supposed to be really good. She has a free sleep workshop next week you might like to register for. You can find her on insta and Facebook.
I can recommend a very good sleep consultant that has worked for us and a friend of mine. I was desperate too! https://nurturingsleep.co.uk
Katie at snoozie wonderland! ❤️She was amazing and now my daughter’s sleep is brilliant. I did have another sleep consultant before and she she was awful 😣
I used Gemma at https://bathandswindon.littledreamsconsulting.com , she was absolutely amazing. We went from at 6 months my baby waking every single hour to sleeping through or just waking for 1 feed in the night! No cry it out method or leaving them either❤️
I’ve heard that Sleepy Stars Ireland are really good! I think they can do online sessions if you’re not based where they are. https://www.instagram.com/sleepystarsireland?igsh=NHhoc3Uwc3FtODQ5
We’ve been using Just Chill Baby Sleep / Just Chill Mama, really brilliant and lots of helpful advice x
This sounds like a false start and you are doing amazingly by trying to help her in every way possible ❤️ I have a doctorate in psychology specialist in child sleep and behaviour. I’m actually doing half price until the end of May because my sons just come out of his 8-10 months sleep regression and I wanted to make my support really affordable for other people at this stage. I’ve linked my instagram below but give me a message if you would like any help xx https://www.instagram.com/denzelsdream?igsh=MTg4OGZ1NWE4OWZzNw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
No info but I’m in the same boat, 10 month old won’t sleep I’ve tried different routines and every time I put him down asleep he gets up and starts crying, for the past week this has been, hoping it’s some sort of phase 🙄