Morning after pill and breastfeeding

My partner and I had unprotected sex this evening. I told him that it’s risky to finish inside me but he still did. I’ve ordered the morning after pill as my little one is only 11 months and deffo not ready for another just yet!! My LO is breastfed and refuses a bottle. I’ve gone for the Levonorgestrel as it says that is the safest one when breastfeeding. I’m just slightly concerned about the waiting for 8 hours in between feeds as my little one won’t sleep without being fed to sleep and will refuse a bottle!! Any advice??
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Absolutely wait the eight hours. Give a snack if needed. Ideally it should be milk before food until one but don’t let them be frantic and hungry Have your partner play with your LO to help avoid big feelings with being near you and able to smell / feel the milk. And absolutely use protection or have your partner understand that you can get pregnant while nursing. A lot of people think women don’t ovulate while nursing and we all absolutely do

Maybe try offering your milk in a sippy cup? My little one would refuse a bottle too but when I would give it to her in a sippy cup she would drink some of it. Hope it helps momma 🙂

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