That early pregnancy loneliness

Found out this week I am pregnant with my second. My first is also a feb baby (28 months) and it looks like the due date for this pregnancy will be a couple of days after his birthday! šŸ˜ It doesnā€™t feel real yet and I donā€™t have any symptoms apart from feeling ravenously hungry which is a new one as with my first pregnancy I had food aversions and barely any appetite for the first two trimesters. Early pregnancy is so lonely, I remember it being with my first too. Donā€™t feel comfortable to share the news with others yet hence posting incognito but I do know from last time it does feel more real and more exciting once you share the news.
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I can relate!! Iā€™m dying to even just tell my mum šŸ™ˆ I have a toddler whoā€™s 2.5 born Christmas Eve 21! I canā€™t believe how early Iā€™ve found out this time. I keep not thinking itā€™s real myself! How far along are you?

My son will be 3 on February 4th and that's when I'm due this baby! We already told all our immediate family because if I was to lose the baby I would tell them anyway because we are close so that's definitely helped. Does your partner know yet? The first couple of weeks when I found out he was a great support and we talked about it a lot which helped the loneliness. I also can't stop eating despite being sick and having food aversion with my son

Can totally relate! Found out we are expecting our second a few days ago (our first will be just shy of 2 by the time baby is here). Itā€™s super early and we had a chemical pregnancy a couple of months ago so we want to wait a bit before sharing the news, particularly with family (who will be so so excited). I have some super close friends I would love to share the news with in the meantime but they are each going through their own TTC journeys (with difficulties) so it doesnā€™t feel like the right time to talk to them about it either. So very much in the same boat!

@Rosie similar to you, this baby is due when my first turns 2. My first is a January baby but Iā€™ll be having this one early due to medical history. Itā€™s really tricky with news like this when close friends are TTC. Mine were too. My best friend since high school couldnā€™t handle it and she has never met my son as a result. I got some backlash from another friend too. Iā€™m in my 40s so while I understand her pain, I waited a really long time to become a mother. What I will advise with your friends is giving the news via text when youā€™re ready so that they can process their emotions in private. My friend had a breakdown in front of me and later told me it was the wrong way to tell her. She said I should have text her. Iā€™ve since read that this is generally the preferred delivery method of such news. I wasnā€™t popping the champagne when I told her or anything. I told her quietly and sensitively. Sadly she couldnā€™t get past it.

@Lesley Thank you for sharing, that sounds like a really tough experience. Itā€™s so bittersweet, especially when we want nothing more than for them to be able to have a child of their own too. I think texting is a good suggestion as it allows processing time like you say. I think Iā€™ll wait till weā€™re further along as well. Congratulations on your pregnancy and thanks again ā˜ŗļø

@Rosie thank you, congratulations to you too. And youā€™re right, I want nothing more than for her to be a mum and the last thing I wanted to do was make her pain worse. To be honest, I think the relationship was always going to end, regardless of how I have her the news, but I still regret that I told her in person in hindsight. Iā€™m sure my situation is more rare but wanted to share my experience so that you can consider how and when youā€™d like to break the news in the best way x

I can totally get you, I have choosen not to keep it a secret well not from those closest to me because well I look like Iā€™ve piled weight on already šŸ˜‚ but I canā€™t wait for everyone to know as it will just be easier as Iā€™m a business owner etc

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