
Hi, can anyone tell me what to expect being induced at forth valley? I'm absolutely terrified at the thought of leaving my toddler for days on end and went into Labour naturally with my first so no idea what to expect. Thank you x
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Hi, don’t be nervous. I had to get induced as my waters broke but hadn’t received any contractions. I had the pessary first to see if that would start something. As nothing happened with that, 12 hours later I had an IV drip (labour then came on rather fast). In total I was hospital for 36 hours. Hope all goes well for you. X

Hey! I had my baby a month ago at Forth Valley. They were absolutely amazing. I was worried as I’d previously had a bad experience at another department in the hospital. All the midwives and Dr’s made me so comfortable. I was induced due to prolonged rupture of membranes (my waters had been leaking all weekend and there was an infection risk). I wasn’t dilated at all so they told me from the start I might end up with a c-section. Laboured for 30hrs and only dialated 2cm so I had a section. I stayed in 3 days and 2 nights as baby had borderline jaundice. Do you gave support nearby? Xx

Forthh valley a great hospital I've had 3/5their didn't have other due them coming prem and having to get taken to st johns as where I was close too

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