Does anyone take this? I couldn't get in at tne doctors, so I bought it at boots. But after researching online and looking at reviews, it sounds awful! Never ending periods, weight gain, anxiety, sore breasts, etc...
Has anyone had any success with it? I just want my periods to stop being so painful and heavy 😩 x
I’ve been on gedarel for heavy periods and 9/10 I don’t have periods anymore but when I do they are no where near what they are normally- I take the pill everyday without a gap
Had them prescribed. Horrible came off them after a month !!
@kelly I can't take the combined pill x
@Anna thank you. I don't think I'll bother taking them, I'll try and find something more suitable x
I’ve been on gedarel for heavy periods and 9/10 I don’t have periods anymore but when I do they are no where near what they are normally- I take the pill everyday without a gap