Also this might be unhelpful but have you considered finding a second opinion from another doctor? There may be something this clinic is overlooking.
@Lisa thank you <3 the clinic is actually amazing and I LOVE my doctors. I just have pcos, thyroid problems and prolactin issues and all of those put me in high risk. They did send the baby for testing to see if there’s any chromosome problems but there’s 2 weeks left till the results. I honestly might just do the IVF if there’s chromosome issues and test the embryos.
I don't know what to tell you I lost my baby at 13 weeks 5 days in Valentine's day and would be due soon and I'm in agony daily I feel hopeless like my body failed me way too many times I'm trying to stay hopeful but I just feel broken
Sending love
@Niki I’m sorry (hug). It’s crazy how many times something has to get right in order at the end to have a healthy baby… you have to have a healthy egg, sperm has to reach it, has to exit the tubes and implant and divide a ton of times, create a good placenta, have no chromosome problems, all hormones should be right and make sure that no other outside factors to harm the baby like a simple virus your kids can bring from school. 99% of my friends have had at least one miscarriage between 4 and 20weeks and I wish people would talk about it more for moms to realize that they’re not alone and most of us may/will go through this pain. Sadly chromosome problems are out of our control.
True my other losses I don't know why they were very early
My two healthy daughters are all I got
One is 12 the other 1 year
@Niki you have a beautiful family!
Thank you @Lisa it's been a hard year we split up when my youngest was four months got back together then got pregnant and lost a baby we so badly wanted
Oh my gosh mama!!! Your journey has been so rocky, I am very very sorry that’s a lot of heartache. I’ve had a miscarriage this year and it was so so difficult and lonely. So first I want to validate your feelings, you absolutely don’t deserve those horrible outcomes and I bet it’s really hard to trust your body right now. I’m currently in therapy and learning tools to help with emotional regulation. It’s helping me so much!! It’s called DBT Therapy if you want to look it up. I think one of the skills that helped me cope with the loss I had was radical acceptance. It means accepting the situation and not letting yourself suffer because of your own refusal to accept the truth. It doesn’t mean you have to like the truth, but wallowing in misery just prolongs your suffering and makes it that much worse. For me it’s also really nice to talk about the loss. I always feel worse when I bottle it up and pretend nothing happened and everything is okay. Lean on your inner circle for that.