Eight week old baby won’t sleep until 10 pm

My baby refuses to be put down before 10 pm from about 6 pm. He starts cluster feeding. Sometimes he falls asleep on me but if I try and put him in his cot, he would wake up and start screaming times. He would just cluster feed all night until about 10 pm when he’s really tired and I’m able to finally put him down in his cot, I’m finding this very difficult. It’s affecting my mental health. Any ideas of how I can try and encourage an earlier bedtime and slowly start putting a routine in place?
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My baby was similar. Research has told me that babies this young naturally go down later so it's biologically normal and might not be something you can fix quite yet. My baby is 5 months now and she goes to bed much earlier (between 730-830). It just naturally got earlier over time, starting at around 3 months

Will he take a dummy after say 8pm to help go to sleep? Or have you tried keeping him awake for 1.5 hour ish say from 7 until 830 with doing tummy time, looking at high contrast cards, walking around with him talking to him? Or if that doesn't work maybe a bath later in the day?

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