Lip tie

Does this look like a lip tie? I've been to multiple lactation consultants and pediatricians who said she doesn't have tongue tie but I don't know if they checked her lip as it looks like a tie to me? She makes the clicking sound on breast and bottle and we had issue breastfeeding so was exclusively pumping so if it is then it explains everything! Just wondered what others thought before I go for yet another opinion!
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It doesn’t seem to be restricting her upper lip’s movements. But that’s just from one picture! What happens to her upper lip when she latches on the breast/bottle? BTW, there’s no much evidence available when it comes to lip ties. Xx

She latches on the bottle and she did latch on the breast fine but with breastfeeding she wasn't emptying and would get hungry again quickly even though she had a good latch. Just she makes this funny clicking sound where she's taking more air in and causing her a lot of gas and wind pain so I'm wondering if it could be to do with that?

@Ciara It is a lip tie but seems like it’s not really restrictive at all. The clicking noise wouldn’t be from a lip tie usually, it would normally be from a tongue tie. Our son had 4 mouth ties and clicked due to his tongue tie. The clicking noise is from a loss of suction and that’s when they can swallow air and become gassy/colicky. Have you checked for a tongue tie? Generally I had the best luck looking/getting a peek at my sons tongue tie when he was crying and his tongue would curl up 😅 We ended up taking him to a pediatric dentist that specialized in mouth ties for an evaluation to see if they needed revising (on our own accord because his pediatrician said he had none after looking directly at 2 of them). All 4 ended up being revised and it was night and day difference immediately after the revision release.

@Lauren sorry just saw this reply! We got her assessed for the 3rd time and they said she has only a mild tongue tie but it's not worth doing about and all the Drs, lactation consultants and pediatricians have told me the clicking noise is normal but she does suffer with a lot of wind and I'm sure it's related it makes sense. Maybe I should see a pediatric dentist as well then. Thanks for your reply anyway 🙂

@Ciara absolutely see a pediatric dentist that specializes in mouth tie revisions. It’s so stupid how even a lactation consultant who SHOULD know about ties since it affects lactation and feeding doesn’t know about them or what problems they can cause. Pediatricians and lactation consultants generally have no earthly idea what they’re talking about when it comes to mouth ties despite sounding confident (both the consultant and pediatrician thought his ties and feeding were normal when they 100% weren’t) Our son’s tongue tie was mild but caused him issues, including the clicking. The fact they told you the clicking is normal just tells me they really have no idea, cause it’s not, it’s that loss of suction which causes that gassiness since they’re sucking in air after losing suction. Once we got our sons revisions, including the tongue tie even though it was mild, it was symptomatic which is what’s more important, he immediately stopped clicking and having as much wind.

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