Late Period + Negative Test

I’m so confused… I’m 5 days late, but even the expensive tests are negative! Everything- hard negative! No faint line whatsoever. I haven’t been tracking my period for a long time, but generally speaking my cycle seems to be fairly regular (27 days). I think once in the last few months it was 30 days, but in general - consistent. What is going on??
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That’s strange! Are you able to check your cervix? If it’s high and tight you might be pregnant and if it’s low then you are going to get your period soon.

Are u stressed at all? Any changes in life? A lot of factors can impact our cycles. U also could have potentially ovulated late as well and maybe just not getting a positive yet

I’m kind of confused on how to check my cervix TBH. I don’t think it’s low, but I’m not sure. I used an OPK, so I know when I ovulated & due to travel we only baby danced 2 days prior- so the chance of conception I thought was low. I’ve also ovulated late in previous cycles and I just ended up having a short luteal phase because my period still came on time! We were literally on a super relaxing vacation last weekend when my period was supposed to come & in general, I haven’t been more stressed than usual!

The other weird thing is that I always have PMS symptoms (acne, cramps, moody, etc) & I haven’t been having any of that! I’m so confused!

have you been using ovulation strips? it’s the best way to know when your ovulation is when having irregular periods i have a 30-35 day cycle and i couldn’t get pregnant until i started using ovulation strips

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