Tongue tie

Hi all my boy is 3 week old today and he doesn’t latch the best but doesn’t struggle with bottle and midwife’s have never said anything. He’s always gained weight since birth and doesn’t struggle to feed Is this tongue tie ? Should I contact the doctor / midwife as he isn’t she an appointment ?
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Think it’s definitely tongue tie! I don’t think they will do much if he isn’t struggling with feeding and is gaining weight fine, they didn’t cut my girls even though she was struggling, we had to go private x

If you can I would just get in private and get it done

Definitely looks like a tongue tie. They might clip it since he has problems latching. Check to make sure his lip isn't tied as well.

Definitely tongue tie, my son was like this! He wouldn’t latch, took bottles and gained weight fine but when it came time to solids he struggled because he couldn’t move his tongue the way we can to eat and needed to get it lasered

This is definitely tongue tie. Speak to your HV or drs about a referral ASAP. Some will allow you to self-refer but others need a referral from a professional. I hope things get better soon xx

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