What is wrong with me?!

I feel like I have this amazing opportunity for work sitting right in front of me. I quit my previous job that I managed at for 13 years to go on this journey. I am now work from home Essentially for myself but with others. Have all these amazing tools and everything I need to make this something amazing and my motivation is gone...I literally just need to put in the work to make it happen. I am not a lazy person. I feel like I will work on anything else but that...why?! Has anyone else had a similar situation or am I just crazy?
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I’ve been in the same situation, purchased all of the items and extra things needed to really get me into it but i cannot find the motivation to actually do it/finish it🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m not of any help but to let yk your not alone!

I totally get it!! For me, I lost my "why". Write it down and go DEEP and get REAL! An example would be... Q: Why did you join this opportunity? A: so I can stay home with my kids Q: why? A: I want to be a present mom Q: why? Etc.. Ask why a few times until you get to the bottom. Write it out and stick it somewhere you see it often! Anytime you have to do something hard or out of your comfort zone, remember your why. Hope that helps. Feel free to message me anytime! :)

Perhaps you don’t have belief in yourself, or in the future that you want. It doesn’t mean you don’t want it, but it’s easier to make excuses than take action.

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