4month old regression help

Hi moms! Any advice for helping my 4month old drop a night feed/ sleep longer? He is capable of going 5-6 hours because he did at 2 months but has regressed back to waking every 2-3 😳
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Not really, during sleep regressions it just is what it is. Our 4 month regression was AWFUL and bled into their 6 month regression so from 3m-7m we slept like absolute shit cause if it wasn't one twin it was the other 🙃🙃 hang in there mama, it'll end and things will go back to normal eventually

currently going through the same thing and i’m feeling so defeated 🥲 i’ve tried keeping his schedule the exact same, changing it to a later time, changing how I feed him, even bathing him twice… I feel like i’m doing something wrong and it’s driving me crazy 😔

@Sheyla you're not doing anything wrong mama. Sleep regressions are natural and normal, and end when they end. Not much you can do but buckle up and hang on for the ride 🩷🩷

@Sheyla I’m researching/comparing different methods and a common thing I keep coming across is being consistent for at least a week— partly why I’m on here asking what’s working for others so I can pick an idea and stick with it😅 🤷🏼‍♀️

Agree with the above comments, sleep regressions are what they are. It can feel like no matter what you do, nothing works and even if it works one day, it may not the other. For us we got through it by buckling down for a lot of contact naps. Good day sleep helped the night sleep. I kept a comfortable space by my recliner with water and / or coffee, snacks, books, phone, tv remote, etc. and watched movies or read while napping. During night wake ups, do as usual and keep it minimal as you can - low light at most, soft voices, and as minimal intervention as possible. I would start with listening to make sure she was actually crying and if she was just fussing but not crying, I left her to sleep. If it upped to a full cry I would go in and pat her. If that didn't work, pick up / rock her. Then if still fussy, diaper change, and all else failing, feeding as only a last resort. Usually by then it would knock her out because it would be the end of a normal wake window anyway.

Also going through this now 🥲 unfortunately he only did one week where he was sleeping 5-6 hour stretches before going back to 2-3 hour stretches. Silver lining is we hadn’t gotten too used to that! But man is this tough 😵‍💫 no advice, just here for solidarity 😅

One thing that we found that helped was his great grandmother had made him a blanket and me and my husband slept with it in our bed for the last three month of my pregnancy and we had him sleep on top of it and I think having our scent so close helped. We also had a bedside bassinet to make transitions easier. Eventually he started sleeping longer stretches and now sleeps for 6hra then up for a feed then sleeps 4hours then is up for the day. Sticking with a regular bedtime routine also helps so that once they make the developmental hurdle that causes the regression they can easily slip back into their schedule.

It lasted 6 weeks for us and it was a living hell but I just responded and fed him back to sleep. Do what you need to do to survive but remember baby can’t help it! My friend’s baby only went through it for a week!

@Kylee I'm going through my 3-7 month regression now. Any tips to stay sane?

@Jasmine oh nooo I'm so sorry!! Yes, lean on your village no matter how small, and take lots and lots of naps 🫶🏻 there would be days I would be bawling my eyes out at 3am begging them to go back to sleep, and I'd text my mom and be like "please come get them tomorrow I'm absolutely losing it rn" and my mom would come swoop them up for me. My partner would let me sleep in on his days off and I always nap with the babies, so when they would get up he would take them out of the room and let me continue sleeping for a few more hours 🫶🏻

@Kylee yessss. This is exactly how I got through it! Lean into the help as much as you can. My mom was my cavalry I s2g. 🤣 Also wanted to say your twins are precious. 🥰

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