How to wean while wanting to go back to sleep

How do I wean my two year old son? If he wakes up at 5am and wants milk and wants to go back to sleep. How I get him back to sleep without?
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How I did it was that I told my son that my boobies hurt and that the Doctor said no milk during <said time> and only milk at night. There were only a few tears. I weaned mine for nap times during the day, so now he only feeds at night to go to sleep. You can also offer your little one the choice for cows milk. But that may still have him waking up at 5am wanting milk, so I would try what I did above and just offer at the time you want to. It can be rough for the breastfeed babies to wean but they catch on pretty quick ☺️

Honestly you just gotta be consistent and hold your line for a week or so and he’ll adapt. Anytime I’m making a change in my son’s habits (eg, weaning binky, nursing, currently potty training), I have to constantly remind myself that kids are smart; If you’re not training them, they’re training you. Consistency is key no matter what method you choose to wean him.

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