VBAC success stories

Would love to hear your VBAC success stories! I'm 31 weeks pregnant with second baby and would really love to have/try for a VBAC. Long story short, my first pregnancy resulted in an emergency c-section after a long labour. I didn't dilate beyond 5cms and baby ended up 'big' at 4.2kgs. I currently have no contraindications to a VBAC other than a history of big baby and previous emergency C. Docs have said I can try for a VBAC but are def pushing a planned C.
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My friend had an emergency C sec for her first Then second was a 2hr home birth And third baby was the same 2hrs home birth ❤️ Goodluck!

Hey!! I’m also planning a VBAC, I wish you all the luck for your VBAC! Have you joined the “VBAC Australia Support Group” on Facebook? I found lots of stories and helpful advice there, but it can also be overwhelming so now that I’ve learnt a lot from the group I try not to look at it too much. I also found the podcast “VBAC Birth Stories” to be helpful they interview women who have had successful VBACs. “The great birth rebellion” podcast has episodes on failure to progress and big babies too which iv found really helpful listening to. Apparently labour naturally stalls at points but the hospital system doesn’t recognise it. I think us VBAC mummas have to do a lot of advocating for ourselves!!

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