Backpacking while pumping

Has anyone gone backpacking while breast feeding? I really want to do a one-night trip with friends but i exclusively pump. I don’t want to bring my daughter (my husband will be watching her) and I don’t know how to make the milk last overnight. I’ve done day hikes where I’ve pumped on trail and then put my pump parts and milk in a PackIt cooler with freezer packs and it works good enough for a day hike but the milk would definitely spoil overnight. Do I just pump and dump? We’ve made it 7 month exclusively pumping and I make just enough milk to feed my daughter so dumping is making not want to go backpacking. Photos from a backpacking trip pre-baby.
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I love a good backpacking trip! I think you should pump and dump. Besides worrying about having to keep the milk cold and carry it, I’d also be a little concerned about it getting dirty on the trail. Why not supplement with formula to make up for the lack of supply from dumping? I know you said you exclusively give breastmilk, but there’s nothing wrong with formula. Backpacking is so good for the soul, and I’d hate for you to cancel your trip. And I speak from experience, my baby is almost 11 months and I breastfeed him, but also give formula to make up where my supply is too low after returning to work. There’s a lot of benefits of breastmilk, but also nothing wrong with formula. I hope you have a wonderful trip ⛺️🌳☀️

If you have a freezer stash so the baby is fed at home while you're gone, definitely just pump out enough for comfort and dump

Pump n dump mamma you ll probably create extra the moment you see her 💕

Beautiful picture! You could ask the camp host (if there’s one) to store the milk in their fridge..

pump but don’t dump! if you have room keep the milk! even if you can’t keep it cold you can still use it in your baby’s baths which i love to do! if that seems like too much though then don’t feel bad about dumping it!

What about dry ice maybe?

Pump and dumb for sure lol a handpump works great

I agree with @Alex !! I dont care how much milk you have or make its depressing to pump and dump! You definitely can use it for diaper care and baths:) pump 1-2 extra sessions a day prior to going to make up for it?

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