I just announced I’m leaving (advice please!)

I have been trying to do this for years. I finally was able to say this is really it, and my partner is having a really hard time accepting it. I’m going to go stay at a friend’s house and he’s mad and thinks I shouldn’t leave yet(?) It’s been a very difficult toxic 3.5 year relationship and we have a 10 month old daughter. I am having such a hard time following through with the separation. I would love your words of wisdom or someone willing to message with me. 🙏
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Hey! I'm divorcing my ex after a very toxic 12 year relationship, 6 years married. We have a 16mo. Leave! It's so hard, but getting distance from my situation helped me see how bad it really was and now I can't imagine going back! Feel free to message me ❤️

I have 3 babies (6 years old, 2 years old, 7 months) and preparing to do the same. At the end of the day, you are your child’s role model first and your relationship should model to them what a relationship should be and if it’s not doing that you know it it’s time to get out. Would you want your kids in this kind of relationship? If the answer is no then don’t settle for it for yourself. Feel free to message me 💗

I left my toxic 10 year marriage in April and I wish I had done it sooner. You can’t get that time back and I wish I had left when my kids were younger. Trust your gut! You only get one life!

I left my toxic 8 year marriage, separated in February... moved out in April. I am a happier, healthier mom for my kids. Some days are hard but I can be proud of the healthy person I am modeling for my kids. You got this and soon you will find the good days outweigh the bad. Feel free to message me!

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