How get my child (age 3 ) to stop hitting

I’m looking for advise & tips on how to get my little girl 3, to stop hitting like alll the time!! To me and to family member her cousins. she even started doing it at pre-school. Everything I seem to do isn’t helping. I tell her off.. put her on time out.. tell her it’s not nice to hit etc. But yet nothing seems to help. The girl is breaking me at the moment it’s getting me so down :(
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i feel you i am having the same with my 3 year old apart from its only me he hits x

Im having a similar issue, my boy hits mostly just me but only at bedtime ( not every bedtime either just ones hes really fighting , seems like a frustration thing. Ill have it for a few nights and then he'l go weeks without hitting me and then start up again 🙃

I had this with my son a little while ago, he was biting me when I was scolding him or picking him up to put him in time out. I repeated ‘biting is bad, kisses are kind’ and he eventually started to say it back to me and I could see his brain working when he went to bite and would stop himself. I was also told by a friend who was a HV that if you’re around other people to get them to make a fuss of you ‘oh poor mummy, are you ok? Do you need a cuddle’ etc and so the attention goes to you and not the child’s behaviour. Another thing they said was to simply say ‘no’ and walk away. It’s really tough to navigate this phase so I feel your pain! Xx

Hey! I really recommend the gentle discipline book by Sarah Ockwell-Smith. She's goes through the appropriate stages of development for different ages and it's very accessible. E.g. naughty step doesn't help children respond well (explained in the book), and especially not effective before 7 anyway as they haven't developed the ability of hypothetical/analytical they literally can't sit there and think about what they've done and what they should've done. It'll likely increase unwanted behaviour not diminish it as they're looking for connection, and the naugthy step only gives isolation. She has a whole section on biting or kicking, etc. Another on whining, and others! Very clear to read, and you can jump right in to different chapters as needed. There's always a reason for different behaviours...usually looking for connection. Honestly can't recommend the book (and her books in general) enough! X

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