My LO (4 months) has learnt to roll back to tummy and now all he wants to do is sleep on his tummy. Even in a deep sleep, I roll him to his back and he rolls straight back. He doesn’t know how to roll tummy to back yet so I can’t sleep with him constantly rolling. He has a sidecar cot, so I tried to use my body to prevent the roll but he somehow still manages. Any advice on how to combat this? I need some sleep 😅
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If he rolls there himself he’s fine to be left to slept that way, as long as you place him down originally on his back, it’s fine x

Even though he can’t roll from front to back? Sorry very nervous FTM

Yeah it’s fine, it’s around 4/5 months they usually start to prefer tummy sleeping

My little girl is now 11 months, learnt to roll onto her front and never back. Still can't now but oh well 🤣 she's been a front sleeper ever since. I was worried about it for so long but she genuinely sleeps so much better like this. I think as long as when they roll their head is to the side so they can breathe, and they are strong enough to lift and turn their head should they want to in the night then they are fine. It's hard not to worry though

Good to know! He can definitely turn his head as he does this during contact naps! I’ll leave him be tonight and see how he goes

Thank you both 💕

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