Wanting more milk... is it normal for this age?

My daughter has been asking for more milk recently. She can get through 30floz a day and night, sometimes more. Just wondering if anyone facing anything similar right now?
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Wow that sounds like a lot. My boy usually has one cup 5-6oz. HV said we can switch to semi skimmed if you think that might help.

if my son is ill or teething then he can easily have 300mls a time in his beaker but normally it is 200 mls plus on wake up and before bed he only dropped his bottles back in February in the night and we tried everything but in the end we had to go cold turkey overnight

She still wakes for milk even when she's not teething.

My daughter has milk at night sometimes wakes up later for another bottle too🤷🏼‍♀️ not every baby or toddler is the same… I give her a 300ml at bed time then a smaller one if she wakes up but that’s normally if she hasn’t had a eating day but if she has ate a lot that day then she won’t really ask for another bottle

My son is still a milk monster and can have up to 30floz too. Health visitor wasn’t concerned- he’s not a great eater sometimes so at least I know he’s full at bedtime. X

@Chloe yeah, sometimes when she eats really well, she sleeps through the night. I was worried she wouldn't be getting the right nutrients but she's just not too into food half the time.

@Cheryl thanks! We have our health visit next month and was worried about that. Good to know it's not just us going through milk like that.

My son will only drinks milk so he goes though a lot in a day xx

That can be normal, I know some toddlers have a midday bottle where some have a middle of the night bottle. Xx

So my partner read the more milk they have before bed they’ll likely wake up for more so we reduced it right down to 4oz (she was having 8-9oz before bed) and she doesn’t wake any more - she does have a little bit in the morning before breakfast and then bedtime but that’s it x

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