Chemical or MC

For those of you who have had an early MC.. was it considered a chemical ? I started bleeding just shy of 6 weeks.. but I’m not sure if that was considered a chemical and I should count that as my period? I’m just trying to figure out when to expect my next period. My last true period was May 25th. It’s been nearly 3 weeks since my MC. I’ve been crampy.. but no period yet. I hate not knowing 😔
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I’m so sorry you had to go through this!!!Beyond 5 weeks is a miscarriage. The days of bleeding from miscarriage is like the days of your period really. But everyone is different and will ovulate at various times following a miscarriage. That’s why many people say to avoid trying again until you have had your next true period because it is easier to count dates from that. For me I got my period just a few days over my usual 28 day cycle following a late first trimester miscarriage. AF will likely be there in the next week or so. If you want to keep an eye on your cycle following you can get ovulation strips to know when you ovulate to get an idea of when things might be. I did have a few irregular cycles the following months after my mc. Hoping things work out for you and your cycles get back on track for you asap!

I was 6 weeks, and was told to count my mc bleeding as a period. I bleed for a week & then got my period 4 weeks after my miscarriage and I've had regular periods since but remember everyone is different

@MJ I of course gave a friend my ovulation tests after I found out I was pregnant.. so waiting on more to arrive in the mail. Half of me doesn’t want to test for ovulation and be stressed about it all.. and half of me would like to know. So do I count my miscarriage bleeding as my period? I can’t ask a doctor until August 1st, when my health insurance finally kicks in

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