Small for gestational age

Hey girls my baby is measuring over 3 weeks behind and is on the 1.9th centile. For reference I’m nearly 32 weeks. Has anyone been in a similar situation and had to have their babies early? If so how early? 🩷
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My first daughter was also below the 2nd percentile She was born at 5lb 7oz, they induced me at 37w as they were concerned about her being so small …. Ended up with an emergency section and she was born at 37w and 2 days. She’s still very small for her age (now 2.5yrs) and wears 9-12m clothes She is absolutely perfectly healthy, just petite

@Kate thanks for getting back to me hun 🥺 it’s such a worry isn’t it. I’ve got an elective section booked already at 38+4 but this was booked before all of this has happened. They might do the section a little sooner then 🤞🏼❤️ I’ll just be glad when she’s here safe now 🥺❤️ did you need tiny baby clothes? Xxx

Honestly try not to worry! My daughter was born at the 0.4th centile. She was 13th at my 20 weeks scan, 8th at my 28w scan and just went lower and lower. I was admitted to hospital to be monitored at 32 weeks and had her at 33 weeks exactly weighing 3lbs 1oz. Even with her being so little, we were only in hospital for 3 weeks before going home! Easier said than done but try not to worry! Trust the hospital and more importantly your baba! They are such strong little things you wouldn’t believe it🥹❤️

@Chiara thanks for replying hun, wow she was so tiny 🥺❤️ did you go into spontaneous labour or did they induce to get her out sooner? I really should get my bags packed 😩🥺❤️ I had such a straight forward pregnancy with my son other then feeling crappy he was like always following the middle line on measuring and stuff so this is so new to me xxxx

I have had both experience, they said my daughter was 3 weeks bigger and son was 3 weeks smaller I didn't want induction or c section But they said I had to schedule it with my son being too small but he came on the same day as it scheduled 39+2 he was perfectly healthy 6.6 lbs ( 2975g) baby. They said my daughter would be big 11lbs but ended up coming 39+4 and just been fine 8 lbs(3660g) baby so don't worry about it too much 😊

Ohh they both came naturally without the induction

I’m currently pregnant with my second who’s also weight 3 weeks behind she started on the 10th centeline she’s now weighing below the 3rd I’m currently 35 weeks but they have said they might want to induce me at 37 weeks due to her keep dropping in weight x

I had my 1st at 37 weeks on the 0.4th centile. Tiny but perfectly healthy 😌

Am also having my 2nd. From 20w scan she was below 3rd and started to grow and maintain. Am 38+1 now and they are inducing me next friday because shes slightly dropped down but still between 10th and 50th centile. Said shes about 5lb 10oz. Am scared to hell x

@Kate oh look at her 🥺🥺❤️❤️

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