Am I over reacting?

My partner, has a low sex drive and I always instigate it sex, the majority of the time he says no when I try… even if I wear sexy lingerie or try and make a specific effort. He recently lost his job and has been using that as an excuse to not have sex with me… due to stress etc. I caught him yesterday watching porn and having a wank. He was watching gym porn of a blonde woman. I am the total opposite I have brown hair and dark features. When I wasn’t pregnant I was constantly in the gym and looked far better than I do pregnant. I’ve voiced my concerns to him over my body image etc and yet I feel like I’m the real reason why he doesn’t want to have sex. With a long history of cheating on me before I fell pregnant and messaging girls when I have been pregnant. I can’t help but worry and feel really shit about myself. Am I over reacting and being super sensitive?
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He’s cheated on you? And you’re still with him? He’s lucky. I would honestly tell him that feels like cheating (well it would to me) and my fiancé used to do this all the time and we have had many many arguments with me bawling my eyes out cause it makes you feel so gross and self conscious about your body! It’s not a great feeling.(Will be together 9yrs in October) We have made tons of progress with it.. he used to only do if he could not get off while having sex (he has diabetes and it messes with that). 100% not being super sensitive

Hey girl, this is so awful and it’s all on him. I have a similar situation minus the porn. We always talk about it and I always come out feeling so bad about myself. Just got to remind urself that ur doing the best regardless of how bad he is treating u xx

No it makes sense you would have concerns about it when he's done wrong by you in the past. Also even tho it's healthy and fine to do it to yourself (imo) it's also fucked up when you know your partner wants to be active with you to just use your sexual energy outside of with your partner who is asking for that from you. Maybe he has a sex problem. Have you told him you're not happy and him actually try to do anything about it? If not red flag. And even if it's not a sex thing he could do other things to make you feel special and beautiful in his eyes. To help you see the love and care is there. Is he trying at all? I hope so

Girl he has cheated in the past??? Leave. LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE. They do not change.

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