Help me

My baby wanna be held all day everyday an this ppd is getting at me I can’t piss in peace without her crying or wanting to be held breastfeeding is irritating me an I’m just starting to regret everything!!! I have no help just me trying to do everything by myself
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How old is your baby? I’m sorry to hear you have no help. It truly does take a village. Even if it’s paid help, I’d highly encourage you to find someone you trust. Idk how people do it by themselves, I wouldn’t have been able to especially in the newborn phase. We aren’t meant to do it by ourselves. Self care is so important! I also hope you are getting help for ppd. I had severe ppd/ppa. Therapy and medication helped me, but equally as important was self care.

You aren’t too far from me…feel free to message me.

I felt this too. My husband worked a lot and I had no family nearby to help me. I talked with my doctor and started some serious anxiety and depression medicine. I won’t say medicine is the answer to everything but it did help get through those days. Personally I probably wouldn’t be here today. I never thought I’d make it through the baby stage. But it does get easier. Call 988 and talk to someone. What you’re feeling isn’t abnormal. You’re not a bad mom. You’ll get through this. 🩵

Have you tried a baby carrier do you can get things done and not have to hold her in your arms?

Feel free to msg to me if you want to vent 💕 I have bpd and I'm trying to not get ppd like I did with my first, I been thru it bad so we can talk judgement free, maybe get sm coffee together 💖 stay strong momma, ik it's hard

That was me at the beginning 100% My MIL sent me one of those swinging chairs that rocks them, it plugged in so it moved at the speed I set and played music, the best! Idk if you’ve tried those but it gave me back my sanity lol I was able to put my son in there and actually eat breakfast and get things done lol As far as breastfeeding I had trouble with all of that too, I found a safe formula that I felt comfortable with and supplemented so I could give my body a break sometimes. It gets better I promise, you’ll find a way and feel so proud of yourself 💕

I see you’re in the Dallas area but if you can get to Plano there’s a breastfeeding support group that meets on Thursdays at Plano Presbyterian hospital at 10:30am and it’s really nice to just sit with a bunch of moms and feed your babies together and vent. What you’re feeling is normal; just remember that everything is temporary and you’ll gain more freedom and self care time back as your baby gets older. You’re doing a great job! Hang in there

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