
Out of curiosity. Anyone who’s had the prostin gel when being induced. How long did it take before baby was born?
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Had my first lot of gel Friday around 12pm, 2nd lot 7pm, 3rd lot 4am on the Saturday and baby was born 15.09 that day ☺️ Only the 3rd lot got things going

I got the gel around 11am after no change from the pessary, baby was born 1:11am the next morning. I had the 2mg amount put in (my hospital also had the 1mg amount available) x

I had 2 lots of the gel (12 hours in total) and it did nothing for me ... I also had the balloon for 24 hours and the hormone drip for 10 hours and I ended up having a c section as I wasn't progressing

I had the gel around midday I think and baby was born at 06:30 the next morning. He could have been born sooner though if he’d been positioned better 😊

I had 1st gel in & 5 hours later I had him x

I had the gel after 2 pessaries, the contractions were intense and baby was delivered by csection 15 hours later

Got my first jel 10am Wednesday morning gave birth Monday morning😭 I had 9 gels in total by the Friday evening then ended up having my waters broke on the Sunday and hormone drip

I had 1st gel around 12noon, 2nd around 6pm, waters broken at 1am & drip, baby was born 3pm. Was 12 hours for 1st stage & 40 mins 2nd stage

I had the gel around 9am, gave birth 7.30pm same day

Got the gel at 7pm, labour started around midnight baby showed up at 11pm next day

I got round of the gel at 9pm started contractions around half 10, they broke my waters at 9am the next day. Give birth at 11:05pm.

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