
My lo has been screaming a lot when we don’t let her do something she wants (normally because it’s dangerous or will break something). I was just wondering if anyone else’s toddler does this and how do you react? I’ve tried not commenting on it or trying to calm her.
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My little one does this and we’ve noticed it’s mostly for a reaction. We try to ignore it because a negative reaction is still a reaction or we gently remind him inside voices. It’s difficult but I think it’s just a phase🤷🏼‍♀️

Same for us, same strategy - doesn’t always work but hoping it’s a phase!

My boy does the same and he gets so upset when I say no and screams and just seems heartbroken. I’ve just tried to limit what I say no to and only do it when it’s something dangerous. I was reading about it and apparently it’s a really bad feeling for them and that’s why they act like this because they don’t understand why they can’t go ahead with it. I just cuddle him in and tell him I’m sorry but it’s not allowed because it’s dangerous. I don’t know if he understands but he calms down eventually lol x

Yes, we get this to. Like above, we just try to stay calm and explain why he can't do it and if he will let him, I cuddle him until he calms down. When I'm cuddling him, I also like to distract him and talk about something he likes, make him laugh or show him something else x

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