Bad visit with ex

So my ex visited yesterday. Baby was upstairs with my mom and he met me as I was entering the lobby of my building. He was upset because I wouldn’t let him inquire information about a security job position at my apartment building. So he was upset and mad the whole time. He was supposed to visit from about 5:15-8pm. We have a 7 month old. So just bonding, playing things like that he ignored baby the entire time. My mom said baby was fussy when I came in and he wouldn’t calm down so while I went to make food he ignored the baby crying in his rocker until I asked him why he ignored him. He justified and said babies are supposed to cry. He starts falling alseep during the visit while baby and I play on the floor. The baby starts falling asleep 30mins before visit is over and I ask dad to leave. I tell him that I don’t want him to come tomorrow. I said “ do you not know how precious these moments are?” he said no he only comes because he supposed to. He also said that. It’s my fault that he was taking his frustration out on the baby. And that because he’s a baby, he doesn’t have feelings. I can’t keep doing this. Most importantly I worry for my child and I’m so afraid of this man being alone with my kid. He doesn’t care about his emotional needs, thinks that because he’s a baby he’s not aware of if he feels physical discomfort when he doesn’t want to be held. I don’t know what to do. I have some of this on camera
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Oh wow I am so sorry. Keep fighting and protecting your baby. You’re smart and it sounds like without your intervention he wouldn’t see the baby anyway. You guys are better off.

Being completely honest here I'd take him to court and take away his rights. If he acts like that he wouldn't be able to he around anyone else's kids. That's child abuse just letting the baby cry and no care smh. Sorry you have to experience this

If you have it on camera, you have the proof you need to keep him away from your baby. you come first

Save all that it counts trust me as I say. He will be one hurt man but to hell with it that baby comes first

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