
How many words is your LO saying/trying to say? Other than Mama/Dada
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Mine says 3 other things. Dog, duck and quack. She’s loved ducks if that wasn’t clear 😂 I feel like my son said more at this age but every baby is different. She points to things and seems curious to learn more she just isn’t speaking them out yet. She does scream and yell and growl a lot. So I’m not worried.

I feel like my girl talks a lottt but I’m a ftm, so not sure lol. Also, for some reason a lot of her words seem to start with B 🤷🏼‍♀️ Bubba and Bella (our dogs), bubbles, ball, boo, etc. She mispronounces p words with b as well so pops and pawpaw and paci all sound weird but I can tell what she’s saying. Most of her other words are names or animals sounds: Nana, Nonnie, rawr, bock bock, moo, neigh, snack (nack), dog, etc. She will attempt to imitate anything I say, but the above is what she typically does on her own. She also signs more, water, and please. ☺️

We are a trilingual household, and thankfully, I have a test child😂( she's 4), and I know talking will come. As of now, my 15 month old points, claps, and says ball, dog, and a few other things. My thing as a first-time mom, what I wished someone told me was that once they talk, they don't stop. Which is obvious but it's also forgettable. Your LO will express his/herself soon enough. #stopcomparing #enjoyinfanthood

repeats everything so lots of words.

My girl is a chatter box even if it’s gibberish 🤣 but she says hi, bye, buh bye, bubbles, dog, ball,up, nana, uh oh and she says mhmmmm a lot 😂

Uh oh, ahh choo (sounds more like ahh too right now), pop (with bubbles), and bye bye (sounds more like buh baahh). She said up one night like 5 times super clearly and hasn't wanted to repeat it since. 🤣

My girl is talking all the time🤣 when it’s not gibberish she can say, buckle, outside, bubba(our cat), up, dog, bunny, bubble, bike, duck, bath, bye, hi, hello, uh-oh, yeah and she’s said grandma a couple times but that’s it 😅

Hi, bye, ball, bath (sounds like baaa), bird, bubble, pop, yeah, no, water(sounds like waaa while doing the sign), milk(she means nurse), eat, hot, uhoh. Two I’m not sure count: meow for the cat and beep which is her nickname.

Y lg is 14 months and says Star,duck,quack,mumma,dada,botbot, yeah and or course no...hhaha

My daughter (now 7) talked a lotttt, just like lots of other girls in the comments. My son does not say as much at all and it’s so different for me. But boys and girls are so different w that. My son (1) says dada for almost everything. Says sisters name, moo, and uh oh. And growls for animals and some other mimic sounds. So different from sissy who I had a list of 50 words or something at this point 😅

5 or 6. Mostly mimicking sounds odd words I say. But mostly momma. Dada. Go. Eat. Up.


No much at all. Mama, dada, baba, he makes a sound that I know means “woof”, and another that means “awww”. He shows us everyday that he understands so much of what we’re saying. He’s just not saying any of it yet. The pediatrician didn’t seem worried yet. I was told as long as he’s vocalizing and communicating in his own way, to just let it happen on his own time

@Shanee was just curious bc my boy is talking way more than I expected at this age

My 14m old doesn’t say anything yet. Not even the repetitive mamama or dadada. He does talk in gibberish, yells, and growls. By growl it’s an Aaaaahhhh noise. The first thing he ever learned to vocalize 😆

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He says “bird”, “quack”, “neigh”, “hi”, “bye”, “Mama”, “Dada”, and “cracker” of all things! lol! Opposite of my first son who only said “up” until he was 2 and gained a few more words then. Every kid is different.

Small Sentences. And i literally cannot deal 😂 she is 14 months and will walk up to me and repeat “hold me mommy” like 50x .. dude , i thought i had longer to deal with the repetition and the bugaboo stage. She sings almost all the words to nursery rhymes and everything too. She’s a jabber jaw. 😆

Other than mama/dada, probably like 10

@Danielle my 15mo refuses to say much besides babbles I am unsure if what he is saying lots of syllables, his first word was dada and he says that often, said mama maybe 3 or 4 times but he doesn't want to. Ped asked me if I wanted him evaluated for early intervention but I feel like he will when he is ready. I'm hopeful anyway.

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