Husbands business trip

My husband is going on a 2 week overseas business trip just him and a female colleauge. I have seen messages from her in the past which I haven’t been happy with like asking him to take her into work all the time and things like that. We all work at the same place and she doesn’t talk to me even though we worked in the same department for a year so I already have a bad taste in my mouth about her. I hate the thought of those two spending so much time together as it will be dinners after work and a they will have a weekend there. I’m jus so uncomfortable with the whole thing and it’s consuming my mind even though I trust him and we have been together a very long time, I am expecting our first child too and it’s making me so down to know I have to sit at home whilst he’s half way around the world with another woman. Any advise please?
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So tell him no

Tell your husband how you feel in a calm, non-accusatory manner. If he doesn’t feel attacked he may try to see where you’re coming from.

It’s a work trip it’s not something he has arranged that’s the difficult part

There are special apps that can help to look through your husbands phone texts and even to listen what’s going outside. I would definitely use them in this situation

It’s gonna be an exam for your husbands loyalty

I have explained my feelings over and over to him, he listens but I don’t think he truly gets it. We fight over and over again about it because it’s making me so miserable. Otherwise we have a great loving relationship, this trip feels like a high grey cloud over me at the moment

What do you want him to do if he can’t control the trip?

I don’t know I just want to know if people think I am over reacting or not. I know he can’t control it and he’s never done anything to hurt me I just don’t trust her and I hate the thought of him spending quality time with another woman

Are you able to go with? For like a week? I used to go on work trips with my husband before our child was born, and he only works with men and young boys (works in football)

I understand the not trusting her, sometimes you get that gut feeling, but hormones are so high during pregnancy and as you trust your husband it will be fine. If she tries it on your husband will say no

I can’t go with sadly, I have my own work commitments and it’s upcoming very soon. I don’t want to be a crazy wife but it’s how it’s making me feel. I do trust him very much I think it’s just the unknown and two weeks seems such a long time to be alone with your thoughts

It is a long time. Can you speak to him during the trip?

I get how you feel, it’s not really you being a crazy wife, lots of men go with their partners on work trips as it’s a free vacation for the wife lmfao!! But I totally understand if it’s all not do able! Idk there isn’t much I can advise other than talk to hubby and kinda just trust him and your marriage. 2 weeks is a long time, regardless of the situation, you would also miss him lots. You’ll be okay!

Yes I can but there is a time difference so I think it will be hard to talk to each other at times. I know I agree some women just don’t have respect and morals and I believe she is like that! I know my husband values our life and family so I do trust him I just don’t want him to get sucked into something new with a fit younger woman and forgets about my pregnant self (feeling self conscious too which doesn’t help!) I really appreciate everyone’s advise on here by the way, i find it really hard with no one to speak to about this so thank you all

If you trust him, voice your concern in a calm manner as it’s stressing you. However he is your husband and you’ve said you trust him, so follow that and it’s hard but try to understand it’s just a work trip. If he’s someone that cheats in this, he will cheat in other scenarios. And from the sound of it you have a trusting loving marriage so leave it be. 2 weeks is a long time and understandably you’ll miss him but I’m sure you both will keep eachother updated when you can and it will be fine x

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I understand that the pregnancy hormones will be making this so much worse. But it sounds like he's a good one and is a loving husband. There isn't anything you can do to stop someone cheating if they're going to - they'll always find a way. So it doesn't matter if you blow up at him about it (unfair as he has no control), force him to check in all the time, make him have dinner alone, or whatever. If he wanted to cheat then he would. If he wanted to cheat then he could have done so before this business trip tbh! It sounds like he's just faithful - be happy! I think all you can do here is trust him as he's not given you any reason not to. It's different if he'd been unfaithful or dodgy in the past but he sounds like a good guy. If it helps, work trips are often incredibly boring!

Thanks all I appreciate your words making me feel better! Xx

Set the boundaries about the situation. If you don’t want them going out together after work alone than set that boundary with him. If he loves you and cares for you he will respect it.

Hey you definitely can be the crazy wife, it's not crazy to not want your husband to go on a trip with Another woman. What happens if you go on a work trip with another man

Go with him

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