Induction with GD?

Want to hear more about people's experiences as I have been offered induction at 38 weeks due to GD.
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Personally it didn't work for me! Started my induction at 38+2 and had a csection at 38+6 I didn't progress past 1cm in 3 days!

I had my induction a couple weeks ago and it went well. I started at 1 cm and did 4 rounds of cytotec. I only went up to 2.5 and I was exhausted and in pain so I opted for the epidural. I slept for 3 hours and jumped to 9 cm and then they had me change positions and within an hour I was 10 cm and I pushed for a little under an hour. My only regret is not getting the epidural sooner.

@Sian yeah honestly I wanted an all natural birth and I feel like failed inductions always end up in a c section so I'm not sure how necessary they really are.

@Kate I wanted an all natural birth and an epidural only if I really need it but I think if I'm having to have an induction then I will also probably opt to have the epidural straight away because I've heard the contractions are horrible with an induction 😭😭😭

I had GD and was offered an induction. I had an elected C section and it was such a lovely experience!

Same I wanted an all natural low intervention birth. I was fine for the first 3 rounds of cytotec with movement and the birth ball, but by 20 hours with almost no movement I needed to rest and 8 couldn't because of the pain. Contracting on a hard cervix gets really painful. If you're able to dilate easily you may or may not need it. It just depends how your body reacts. Personally if I need an induction in future pregnancies I'll probably opt for an epidural sooner.

@Kate yeah I wanted to try without epidural for a natural birth but if I am to be induced I might opt to have an epidural straight away 😅😅

Mine went well, I was induced at 39 weeks and I went in at 10am on the 22nd Jan, had the propess pessary inserted for 24hrs, it didnt do much so on the 23rd they placed a strong gel in me for 6 hours, it slowly started working so they placed another gel in during the early hours of the 24th. They checked me at 10am on the 24th and I had dilated enough to go and have my waters broken. Went down to the Labour ward at 12pm and had them broken, got put on the hormone drip and I started having strong regular contractions (I had been contracting on and off since the 22nd) the hormone drip can make the contractions feel quite intense so I ended up getting an epidural at around 7pm after powering through on gas and air 😂 then at 01:38am on the 25th my little girl was born. I had an episiotomy as she needed to be born quick due to cord wrapping around her neck and the midwives hadn’t actually checked my dilation since 10pm and at 01:15am babies heart rate dropped and they saw I was crowning 😂😂

Carrying on from my comment above ^ they noticed I was crowning so things had progressed quite quickly during the final stages of labour and I only did 5 pushes and she was out in 8 mins! Couldn’t believe how fast it was. I felt a bit rubbish throughout my labour as for some reason they didn’t let me eat ‘in case I needed to go for a c section’ so I felt really low on energy which wasn’t fun. I was SO nervous to get induced as I had read so many posts on here of women having emergency sections and people saying I’m cruel to my baby to get induced, but it went absolutely fine and I was really happy with how it went.

I had a successful induction. Had the tape inserted 1pm at 38+6 waters broke themselves at 3.30am the next morning and then got the epidural at 8am. Reached 10cm at 1pm started pushing at 2pm for an hour and a half then ended up having a small episiotomy and vacuum birth at 4pm at 39 weeks.

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