Ladies, have your movements changed

As your pregnancy has progressed? I’m 38 weeks on Monday and I’ve def seen less of a pattern and when baby does move it’s not as strong it feels really diff, more like a fluttery moving feeling no kicks. Ive been to the triage 3 times for reduced movements and baby has been okay so no idea if this is normal or not
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I’m feeling the same way… also been out triage , Think they’re just bigger so it’s more shifts rather than kicks x

Now baby has moved into position I have to focus more to feel his movements which are now very centred. Before I'd get kicks at all angles which were much more noticeable so would agree it feels quite different. X

Yes definitely less noticeable in a way and less frequent. I’ve not gone in

Don’t focus on the type of movement ie how it feels but more on how many times a day and if regular or following “normal” pattern as they have less room to move it’s more of a rolling movement than actual kicks 🤍 xx

Yes, it’s like there’s a totally different baby in there comparing to a week or so ago.. hardly any strong kicks he just does a little roll now and again. I’m 39 weeks x

I could’ve written this post myself! I’ve been so stressed to the point of tears cause the past week babies movements have definitely changed, I literally just feel flutters, jitters/jerking movements and him swirling but hardly ever any kicks. Seeing the doctor on Tuesday and can’t wait to find out what’s going on

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