Daycare and naps

My sweet boy is in daycare and they have dedicated naptime from 1230 to 230. He sleeps but not the entire time. He is always tired and naps again from about 4 to 5pm What are your babies' nap schedules like at 1 year and if in daycare? If he is home on the weekend, he happily naps from 1pm to 3 or 4 and that's all he needs.
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My girl is 1 today though not in daycare. Her sleep schedule is: 730/8 - wake up 1030-1230ish - nap 4/430 - nap for 1 hr 930 - bedtime

Not in daycare. This is his schedule when at home. My mil does take him 4 days a week and he does not nap for her. She brings him home at 2 or 3 and he usually only has one nap and goes to bed at 8 or 830 if he's not too crabby. Up at 8 nap at 11 Up at 1 nap 3 or 4 (4 is my preference but sometimes he is so crabby) Bed at 9

At home my daughter takes 2 naps most weekends. She's usually up between 6 and 7, naps for 1-1.5 hours around 9:30, naps for 1-1.5 hours around 2:30, and goes to bed around 7. Daycare is a completely different story though. She's never napped well there, and only takes one nap after lunch. Most days it's like a 45 min - an hour cat nap, but on a rare occasion, she'll sleep well for 1-1.5 hours. She sleeps fairly well at night either way, but is definitely fussier in the evening when she has less daytime sleep

My son just turned one last weekend and moved up to the next class at daycare with only 1 nap, they nap from 1pm-3pm, so far he’s napping roughly 1.5 hours during that time and then no more naps until bedtime at 6:30pm. He starts his day at 6am. I wasn’t sure how he would cope with the longer morning wake window but he’s doing great and his afternoon wake window is not much longer than it was when he was on 2 naps since his second nap was normally only 30 mins.

We don’t have schedule, I just put her to sleep when she gets fussy. It may be 3 hours after waking up, may be 5

My son is in daycare they transitioned him to one nap a day a few months ago he usually sleeps from 12:30-2:30 ish and sometimes he’s ready for bed at 6:30pm for the night and sometimes it’s 7:30 and we do get up at 5:30 am

My son does 1 nap at daycare. Typically 1.5 hours but anywhere between 1 and 3 hours. I thought he slept way too little (he sleeps more on the weekends) but I'm glad to read he's about average from all these stories. He does seem to be happier on 2.5-3.5 h nap a day But most of tge time doesn't sleep that much.

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