Cheating & Sex

In the past I could never understand why women would go cheat on their husbands. My thought process about it was that the woman have everything, the nice house, bills paid for, gets to stay home, have a fine looking husband. But now that I have all of this, I get it. Having all these things but missing the love, affection, and attention. No I have not cheated or anything, but I have definitely been thinking about how much love & affection is lacking and nothing is working to get that back especially since the baby (baby is now 11 months). I just think to myself how easy it would be to cheat and get that part that is missing. I have been holding on strong even though I have been feeling this way for so long. I could never bring myself to do it. But I realized how easy it would be for other women to take the step and just cheat because they might not be as strong. I used to judge these kind of women so much, but life is definitely not black and white.
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I said the same exact thing use to think why. Now that I have kids and their father barely wants to deal unless he is hungry or wants sex. I get it tempted to do the same but refuse to

I found that telling my partner I had those thoughts was enough to make him realize how serious I was about the changes I needed. Therapy helped too, you'll be super mad if he goes out and cheats while you're fighting this hard. Yall need to get on the same page. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling tho 😔

You’re not alone. It’s hard for us to see in times of need, but sometime our men don’t have no emotional energy to give. At the end of the day we all tired and sometimes they need a little extra push to get back in touch with their feelings after toughening up so much in fatherhood. Be honest with your man and I pray he fights for you to be close not push you father away 🙏🏼

marriage is hard.. talk to your hubby

I’ve been with my husband for 4 years and but all with all types of abuse from him he’s even cheated on me multiple times from having tinder and accounts like tinder, online dating sites, escort sites, and he’s gotten phone numbers from girls at the gym, bars, etc and even slept with other people…… I have yet to cheat but lately It’s been a strong thought in my head I’ve told him months ago how I felt and he laughed in my face saying nobody would want me. The only reason why I’ve never done it was bc of my morals but I’ve tried leaving him and he says I have no choice but to be with him or never see my kids and he’s serious about it…..we’ve tried to be separated but still slept under the same roof and he would say that I’m not allowed to meet anyone in person or go anywhere (I don’t have a car) and I would never have someone over but he would brag about the people he was gonna go f**k that night…..sorry this turned into a vent….. but I get you 100% percent

@Holly you’re one of the most beautiful women i have ever seen. Millions of men will want you when you’re ready. do not let him make you believe you will not get your children. You are a mother and you make the rules. Play the long game and make a plan to get tf out sister, do whatever you gotta do. Get a sugar daddy expeditiously lol but NEVER forget, you have all the power. And so do you, anyone else who is reading this. These boys deserve NOTHING and you are EVERYTHING 🫶🏼 We need to start shaking them up, they won’t change if we don’t

I'd cheat if I knew I could be with that person and be able to get away from my evil husband who has only gotten worse and worse.

@Holly I'm so sorry that you have to experience that. FYI your absolutely beautiful and that's why he says that. Oh hint hint of possible try and record certain things because evidence is key. Even down to the websites etc screenshot. That can be back up just in case

@Tina I try but he takes my phone and deletes everything or just I get caught off guard and don’t have my phone recording

maybe try some new hobbies?

Id suggest getting a cassette recorder. I'm about to call my father and see if he has any of his old recorders he used to take to church with him. Seems like men these days have become more and more trash.

@Holly girl girl girl, that man is LYING to you. Do you have any family to go to? I've noticed men will threaten taking your kids until you threaten to let them take the kids. Tell him that you can have freedom to be with another man if he takes the kids. I'll bet you he starts threatening to abandon them instead to make sure you're tied down (which you won't be). He's only saying what he feels will hurt you or keep you stuck with him. I told my partner if we don't work out, I'll leave him with the kids since he has more money and a house. I'll go live in a foreign country where it's inexpensive and the kids can visit me for summers. He KNEW I could do it because I already left the USA for one year before kids. How will he do childcare, go out and cheat, etc if he has the kids without you? Be realistic, that man isn't going to take your kids the responsibility is too much he can't even maintain a wife how can he be a single dad?? You need to leave that man, I can't believe you think you'll be single 😭

@Holly Holly, you are a beautiful woman and a wonderful mother. That man knows good and well that men, QUALITY men would be lined outside your door once you drop him and decide enough is enough. I hope for your sake and that of your kids, that you find someone worthy of your love someday (soon) 🫶🏾♥️♥️

@Holly change your password

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