Health Visitor

So next week we have the Health Visitor. I have read a few things from their 'Checklist' one being that they can respond to their name. My little one doesn't always respond to his name but will sometimes, depending on what he's doing. Then I question myself to think is he actually responding to his name or just looking at me when I talk.
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My pediatrician asked me this question and my LO responds to her name “sometimes” if she feels like it by looking at me but mainly her nickname…..her pediatrician was fine with that -it’s mainly about your kid being aware of someone calling them, being able hear, and redirect attention elsewhere (is how it was explained to me)

it’s also about communicating i think (which we aren’t there yet!) eg passing/offering things and knowing parents names etc. our appt they said don’t worry and they’ll call us next month (meanwhile im getting all the first words books out the library and going to make a photo book of us i think)

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